Jacobvu84 / serenity-screenplay-appium

The demo shows the integration of Serenity BDD, Screenplay and Cucumber JVM.
3 stars 3 forks source link

Mobile Andoird Automation

This is Appium for Android native app (POC) sample project for students.

Design pattern is applied in the framework: Serenity Screenplay

1. Installation

1. JDK 1.8.x
2. Maven 3.5.x
3. Appium v1.8.1

2. Environment settings

Have an android emulator or real device connected

Android Caps

appium.platformName = Android
appium.app = src/test/resources/apps/metatrader5.apk
appium.deviceNames = emulator-5554,emulator-5555
appium.appPackage = net.metaquotes.metatrader5
appium.appActivity = net.metaquotes.metatrader5.ui.MainActivity