Jacobvu84 / serenity-screenplay-appium

The demo shows the integration of Serenity BDD, Screenplay and Cucumber JVM.
3 stars 3 forks source link

Combination of version for appium & Java-client #5

Open Jacobvu84 opened 5 years ago

Jacobvu84 commented 5 years ago
appium 1.10.0
Android 8.x.x
Jacobvu84 commented 5 years ago
# Define the default driver
webdriver.driver = appium

# Appears at the top of the reports
serenity.project.name = Android Appium with Serenity Screenplay 

# Android CAPS
appium.platformName = ANDROID
appium.app = src\\test\\resources\\apps\\metatrader5.apk
appium.appPackage = net.metaquotes.metatrader5
appium.appActivity = net.metaquotes.metatrader5.ui.MainActivity
appium.deviceNames = 5200d8a0ee477597,VKUCGMFMMZB65PGM
manage.appium.servers = true

For running single device appium.deviceNames = 5200d8a0ee477597,5200d8a0ee477597 and remove parallel configuration in the pom.xml

Jacobvu84 commented 5 years ago

Các dòng thiết bị không ổn định. Giải pháp là dùng Factory data reset Oppo F7 Youth: Android 8.1.0