Jacudibu / PRUNner

Base Planner & Management tool for Prosperous Universe
MIT License
19 stars 13 forks source link

⚠️ PRUNner isn't really actively developed anymore for the time being. While the game data is still auto-updating and the application itself remains perfectly usable, you might want to check out https://prunplanner.org/ for a web-based solution with more features!


PRUNner is a cross-platform standalone tool supposed to ease up base planning on an empire-wide scale by replacing spreadsheets with a custom-made application, yielding way higher response times than one could ever achieve in Google Sheets.

You can grab the latest version over at our Releases: there's a .zip file for every major platform, just unpack and run the PRUNner file inside.

Always up to date!

The App polls all relevant data from the wonderful FIO, which means even if there hasn't been an update to the app for quite some time, you can easily update the data yourself! In case you notice any missing recipes or planets, just delete the FIOCache folder before launching the app in order to force an update. I might eventually add menu buttons to do that. 🙃


First, let's find a planet to settle! PlanetFinder

Then, plan out your base! BasePlanner

And finally, have an overview over your entire empire. EmpireOverview


I'm open to any kind of feedback or suggestions. This is my second Application using WPF / Avalonia, so there's probably a lot of stuff that could be done better.

Check out our Issues for a list of things that are planned (or have been suggested). If you want to help implementing any of them or add something else, it's probably best to join the PrUn Community Tools Discord Server and/or creating an issue first.

Building / Running PRUNner from Code

You'll need the .Net 6 SDK installed to build the application from source. There's no special configuration required. If you want to see how to build the app via the command line for your operating system, take a look at publish.sh.