Excel program running in CLI environment
서명원 강다빈
이재희 전주형 서명원 강다빈 오수현
전주형 오수현
How to use
Download and Run
$ git clone
# ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
# centos
$ sudo yum -y install ncurses-devel
$ make all
$ make clean
$ ./main
If you run the program, you can choose from 4 menus
You can create Excel to perform a variety of tasks
Through the file manager, you can open the previously saved Excel file and continue working
Through the manual, you can get help on how to use it
End the program
You can set 5 types of values (numbers, strings, dates, formulas including arithmetic operations, and Excel functions), and you can set multiple values as well as single values.
Setn A4:A13 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Setd C1 2021-12-13
Sets F1 CLI-Excel
Sete G12 (A4+A5+A6)/A7*A8
Setf D4 SUM(A4:A13)
You can remove the value of a specified cell, and you can remove multiple values as well as single values.
Remove A4
you can get the actual command value stored in the cell, and you can get multiple values as well as single values.
Get D4:D9
You can move to next, prev, n-th sheet, and also delete sheet.
Goto 5
You can save the excel file you created as a txt file. Saved files can also be opened and written continuously. When creating a new Excel file for the first time, if you enter a file name, it is automatically saved every 30 seconds while working.
Save filename.txt
If you enter the data you are looking for, the stored values are searched based on text and highlighted.
Find 50
You can sort cells in a specified range in ascending or descending order. The type of data being sorted is limited to Number.
Sort A4:A13 desc
If you want to undo what you've done, just press Ctrl+Z and Excel will go back to its previous state. However, if you want to go back to the state before the revert after reverting Excel, just press Ctrl+C.
You can move the Excel table by pressing the arrow keys.
Base Source
- Cell
- NumberCell
- This Cell stores number data
- StringCell
- This Cell stores string data
- DateCell
- This Cell stores date data (time_t)
- ExprCell
- This Cell stores string data (Arithmetic command) such as "A1+A2+A3"
- parsing expression (user-command)
- You can use to_numeric(), stringify() function to transform data from original to number or string
- Table
- Table has 2-dimensional array of Cell*
- You can print the table to the screen using print_table() function
- print_table() uses just character '-', '|' as table contour not using "ncurses.h"
- Excel
- You can print the screen including Table and command line
- You can use user-command such as "setn A1 10"
- parse_user_input() function analyzes user-command and create appropriate Cell object
- There is code but no code-splitting
What we made
- Code-splitting by class
- Cell
- FuncCell (2021/11/17) (2021/12/05)
- This Cell stores string data (Excel Function) such as "SUM(A1:A4)"
- parsing function
- NumberCell (Int to Double) (2021/12/02)
- EmptyCell (2021/12/04)
- This Cell was created to implement the 'remove' command
- Table
- We changed the return type from string to void in the print_table() function and changed it to print to a specific WINDOW* using the ncurses function (2021/11/17)
- Each time the print_table() function is called, the parser are called only once (reducing the amount of unnecessary computation) using RTTI pattern (2021/11/19)
- If you move the table with the arrow keys, the moved table is displayed (2021/12/01)
- The table has been changed to a two-dimensional array with a cell list to implement the Undo function (2021/12/03)
- InitialPage (2021/11/10)
- When the program starts, it displays the following user menu
- Create New Excel
- Open Excel (2021/11/23) (2021/12/03)
- If you enter a file name, an Excel list in which data is stored is created
- We changed the way to open by entering a file name so that you can select and open the desired file through File Explorer
- Manual (Not yet)
- Exit
- FileManager (2021/12/03)
- We got directory data using popen(), stat(), etc., and visualized the directory structure
- Manual (2021/12/26)
- It was implemented so that the txt file with the manual was read and printed on the screen, and the contents could be further checked with the arrow keys
- Excel
- Save (2021/11/19)
- When input is received in the format of "SAVE filename" or "SAVE", the to_txt() function is called in the order of ExcelList→Excel→Table to save the data to the file
- Find (2021/11/20)
- You can find what you want
- Fixed Find command mechanism related to moving table with arrow keys (2021/12/01)
- Set value based on range (2021/11/26)
- Ex : setn A1:A5 1 2 3 4 5
- In order to recognize the arrow keys, the method has been changed from receiving input line by line to receiving input one character at a time (2021/12/01)
- Remove (2021/12/04)
- Delete the data of the existing cell
- Considering the Undo function and the table structure, create and assign EmptyCells that contain no data, and implement EmptyCells so that they are not allocated consecutively
- Ex : Remove A1
- Sort (2021/12/07)
- You can sort in ascending or descending order by entering the range of cells you want to sort
- Ex : Sort A1:A4 desc
- Get (2021/12/10)
- ExcelList
- Sheet (2021/11/11)
- You can create, move, and delete sheets with the next, prev, and delete commands
- Goto (2021/11/25)
- You can go to nth-sheet
- goto 5
- main
- We implemented so that Excel functions can be used until the user selects exit in InitialPage
- Signal (2021/12/05)
- Undo (2021/12/05)
- If you press Ctrl+Z, Excel returns to its previous state
- Redo (2021/12/05)
- If you press Ctrl+C and there is a record of 'Undo' before, it goes back to that state
- Auto Save (2021/12/06)
- Excel files are automatically saved every 30 seconds (thread)
- Error Handling
- Add Error checking about (string, number, date) cell name, value(number, date), ... in command (2021/11/30)
- Add Error checking about formula of expression cell, function cell (2021/12/01)