JahwnMallard / Lab2-Pong

USAF Academy ECE383 Lab 2 - Pong via vga controller
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Lab2- Pong

C2C John Miller

VHDL Code to play the classic game of pong on the Atlys Board

The game takes on the following form Thrilling gameplay of pong

This code also supports the use of the switches on the Atlys board for modifying the speed of the ball.

The major problems that this project dealt with were:


1.2 -Implements the addition of "hot zones" on the paddle, which reflect the ball at different angles

Previous Versions


This project relied heavily on the use of a finite state machine [FSM], which uses a mix of next state logic, memory, and output logic in order to determine the state of the machine. The inputs and current state are fed into the next state logic block which then determines what the state will be. The current state is then fed into the output logic, which then generates the output.

The following basic constructs were used to realize the state machine:

Flip-flop (memory element):

process(clk, reset)
        if (reset = '1') then
            x_reg <= to_unsigned(400,11);
            y_reg <= to_unsigned(200,11);
        elsif rising_edge(clk) then
            x_reg <= x_next;
            y_reg <= y_next;
        end if;

end process;

Next State logic:

process(ball_reg, ball_next, count_next, x_reg, y_reg, paddle_y_reg)

    ball_next <= ball_reg;

    if(count_next = 0) then
        case ball_reg is
            when move =>
                if (x_reg = 639) then
                    ball_next <= right;
                elsif (x_reg = 10) then
                    ball_next <= left;
                elsif (y_reg = 5) then 
                    ball_next <= top;
                elsif (y_reg = 479) then
                    ball_next <= bottom;
                end if;

                if (x_reg >10 and x_reg < 20) then 
                    if ( (y_reg > paddle_y_reg - 45) and (y_reg< paddle_y_reg) ) then
                        ball_next <= paddle_hit_hi;
                    elsif( (y_reg < paddle_y_reg + 45) and (y_reg> paddle_y_reg) ) then
                        ball_next <= paddle_hit_lo;
                    end if;
                end if;
            when    right =>
                ball_next <= move;
            when left => 
                ball_next <= move;
            when top =>
                ball_next <= move;
            when bottom =>
                ball_next <= move;
            when paddle_hit_hi =>
                ball_next <= move;
            when paddle_hit_lo =>
                ball_next <= move;
        end case;
    end if;
end process;

Output Buffer

process( count_next)
    x_next<= x_reg;
    y_next <= y_reg;

 if(count_next = 0 and v_completed = '1' and stop_reg ='0') then
        if(dx_reg = '1') then
            x_next <= x_reg +1;
            x_next <= x_reg -1;
        end if;

        if(dy_reg = '1') then
            y_next <= y_reg -1;
            y_next <= y_reg +1;
        end if;
end if; 
end process;

Output logic

ball_x <= x_next;
ball_y <= y_next;

The following modules were to implement the game

The modules are connected as shown below:

block diagram

State transition diagram

Ball states :

Ball state transitions


The biggest troubles I had can be separated by module:



Confirming functionality

Although they would have been a more robust method of testing, testbenches were not used in debugging the code, instead, it was done in incremental stages.

  1. the AF logo was created, which was changed by modifying the pixel_gen module slightly each time until the output matched the design requirements

  2. The paddle and ball were drawn to make sure that their proportions were correct

  3. The paddle was tested until it met movement requirements. This meant changing lines of code at a time until the paddle moved at a reliable rate

    1. Within the creation of this module, the button debounce was implemented, which was tested by confirming paddle functionality.
  4. The ball was incrementally tested, first for horizontal movement, then for vertical movement. Then the ball was tested to make sure it would bounce off the walls, and then that it would bounce off of the paddle and that it would freeze if it hit the left hand wall.

  5. Once the core gameplay was created, the code was modified to support ball speeds and "hot zones" on the paddle.

The hardest thing to test was the ball movement. The ball would work for periods of time and then it would "teleport", instantly moving to a different section of the screen.

Lessons Learned



C2C Ryan Good helped me with debouncing