JaimstheName / homework_landing_page

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Relaxr Blog

Real-World Applications

Technical Requirements



Evaluation / Submission

Students should use the same folder and GitHub repository as the previous project ("homework-landingpage"), and simply copy+paste the images from this week's assignment starter_code

When ready for evaluation, please push your code to that repository. I will evaluate against the solution code and the your use of technical elements.

We will provide a numeric grade on a scale: does not meet expectations (0); meets expectations (1); exceeds expectations (2). The maximum possible score on this assignment is 14/14

Bonuses are completely optional


Find a well designed website that you like and try to recreate it. What tools you could use to figure out the fonts and colors they are using? Focus on recreating the overall layout even if it isn't pixel perfect. Try to avoid copying the exact code. Don't worry about images (some websites make it hard to copy images) and use a solid background color instead.

Some suggested sites are (listed from least to most difficult):