Jake-parkers / ionic-rave

Official Ionic 3 SDK for Rave
MIT License
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Ionic 3 Rave

This Ionic 3 Module let's you add Rave Pay Button into your Cordova/Phonegap apps builds.


The Rave Ionic 3 Module adds support for spinning up the Rave modal on IOS and Android. It uses the Rave Standard endpoint and has done all the hard work for you. All you need to is add the necessary file and call the appropriate functions.

  1. Follow the official Rave documentation on how to create an account if you don't have one yet.
  2. Create a dummy project. For example ionic start myapp blank
  3. Install the Module
$ cd myapp
$ npm install --save rave-ionic3
$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
$ npm install --save @ionic-native/in-app-browser
  1. Add the module to your AppModule
  2. Ensure that you have set up a redirect url to handle the response sent from rave. See here for guide lines on how to set up your redirect url
  3. See Usage


import { Rave, RavePayment, Misc } from 'rave-ionic3';
import { InAppBrowser, InAppBrowserEvent, InAppBrowserObject } from '@ionic-native/

  private rave: Rave, 
  private ravePayment: RavePayment, 
  private misc: Misc,
  private iab: InAppBrowser,
  ) { }


      .then(_ => {
        var paymentObject = this.ravePayment.create({
          customer_email: "user@example.com",
          amount: 2000,
          customer_phone: "234099940409",
          currency: "NGN",
          txref: "rave-123456",
          meta: [{
              metaname: "flightID",
              metavalue: "AP1234"
          .then(secure_link => {
            secure_link = secure_link +" ";
            const browser: InAppBrowserObject = this.rave.render(secure_link, this.iab);
                .subscribe((event: InAppBrowserEvent) => {
                  if(event.url.indexOf('https://your-redirect-url') != -1) {
                    if(this.rave.paymentStatus(url) == 'failed') {
                        title: "Message",
                        message: "Oops! Transaction failed"
                    }else {
                        title: "Message",
                        message: "Transaction successful"
          }).catch(error => {
            // Error or invalid paymentObject passed in

Instance Members



You must call the init method with the PRODUCTION_FLAG set to true or false and your PUBLIC KEY. If your production flag is set to true, you will need to pass in your live public key otherwise, you pass in your sandbox public key

preRender(validatedPaymentObject) You must preconnect to Rave to obtain a secure link that will enable you to load the payment UI. Prior to calling this method you must have called RavePayment.create() to validate your payment object.

render(paymentLink) Start the Rave UI to collect payment from user.

Use the InAppBrowserObject returned to close the modal once the transaction completes by binding to the loadend event and checking for your redirect url as was shown above.

paymentStatus(url) Get's the status of the transaction and returns it as a string. The status could either be success or `failed.


You should use the returned status to determine whether or not you shoud show a success or error message to your users.

NOTE: IOS users may still need to rely on the Done button at the bottom left of the opened.

Rave Payment

create(paymentObject) You must validate the paymentObject you want to use to load the Rave payment UI. See https://developer.flutterwave.com/docs/rave-inline-1 for more documentation of the parameters.

amount() The amount of the payment

email() The customer's email

txref() The transaction reference of the payment

currency() The currency of the payment


Released under MIT License


Pull requests and new issues are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.