JakeWharton / qbt-orphaned-downloads

Maintains a tag on torrents whose files have no hardlinks outside the download directory
MIT License
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qBittorrent Orphaned Downloads

Maintains a tag on torrents whose files have no hardlinks outside the download directory. Also maintains a text file of all paths which are unowned by any torrent.

This tool is provided as a Docker container which runs as a cron job.

Docker Image Version Docker Image Size


The container connects to qBittorrent over its API which is exposed the same way as its web interface. You will need a valid username and password. The default username is 'admin', and the default password is 'adminadmin' which reflect the qBittorrent defaults.

There are three general ways to connect:

  1. Use the qBittorrent container as the network for this container.
  2. Use the qBittorrent container hostname.
  3. Use an explicit hostname/IP that resolves to the container.

Option 2 and option 3 are really the same thing and are the recommended path.

For option 2, ensure your qBittorrent container has a hostname defined. For docker run this means specifying --hostname qbittorrent. For Docker Compose use the hostname key in the service definition:

    image: linuxserver/qbittorrent
    hostname: qbittorrent
    # …

Start this container and point it at your qBittorrent instance with the QBT_HOST environment variable. Mount your downloads folder at /downloads. Unowned files will be written to /data/unowned.txt which you can optionally mount or simply look at inside the container's filesystem.

$ docker run -d \
    -e "QBT_HOST=http://qbittorrent:8080" \
    -v /path/to/downloads:/downloads \
    -v /path/to/data:/data \  # Optional

For Docker Compose, add it as an additional service:

    container_name: qbt-orphaned-downloads
    image: jakewharton/qbt-orphaned-downloads:1
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /path/to/downloads:/downloads
      - /path/to/data:/data  # Optional
      - "QBT_HOST=http://qbittorrent:8080"

If you have a non-default username or password, specify the QBT_USER and/or QBT_PASS environment variables, respectively.

The container will check all of your torrents every hour by default. To change when it runs, specify the CRON environment variable with a valid cron specifier. For help creating a valid cron specifier, visit cron.help.

The 'Orphaned' tag will be used by default. To change it, specify your desired tag name in the QBT_TAG environment variable.

Tags can be used to prevent specific torrents from being marked as orphans. Specify one or more tags in the QBT_IGNORE_TAGS as a comma-separated list.

To be notified when sync is failing visit https://healthchecks.io, create a check, and specify the ID to the container using the HEALTHCHECK_ID environment variable.



Copyright 2020 Jake Wharton