As part of a master's thesis, at the Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, an automated analog layout design flow was developed.
The input of the flow is a netlist in the SPICE format composed of devices using the SkyWater Technologies SKY130 process design kit. Optionally, a file in the json-format that contains information for the routing task, like minimum wire widths, can also be specified. From the netlist, the circuit is captured and converted into an internal data structure, that is capable for the tasks of the remaining flow. The subsequent stage annotates devices which are forming smaller circuits and match those in a precompiled database. Thus, these precompiled circuits allow the finding of differential pairs, differential loads, cross-coupled pairs, and in series connected resistors, so called R-strings. From the annotated circuit, the primitive cells are instantiated, by the use of the parametrized cell generator available in [MAGIC]( The positions of the cells in the layout are then found by using a reinforcement learning algorithm (or optionally by using a simulated annealing algorithm), such that they minimize a cost function based on the estimated total wire length and routing congestion. After the placement is fixed, a two stage routing-algorithm connects the devices. The first stage is a wire-planning algorithm which plans the routes on a rough tile-based grid and provides a guidance to the second stage, which is a detailed router. That one lays out the actual resources by using a gridless approach based on obstacle expansion. The output of the whole flow is a .mag-file which contains the placement, and a Tcl script for generating the routing in [MAGIC]( ## Getting started ### Step 0: Prerequisites (Recommended) - Use the [IIC-OSIC-TOOLS]( all in one docker container. ### Step 0.1: Prerequisites (Optional) - [SKY130 PDK]( - For easy installation checkout [volare]( - [MAGIC]( - Python >= 3.9 with the installed [requirements]( - Path to the sky130A pdk set under `$PDKPATH`, this can look like as follows ``` export PDKPATH=/home/pdks/sky130A ``` ### Step 1: Clone the repository ``` git clone ``` ### Step 2: Add your circuits netlist To design your circuit, add the circuits-netlist (only `.spice` formats are supported) to the `Circuits` folder. #### Netlist prerequisites - The top-circuit isn't a subcircuit. - The netlist only contains the devices - sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 - sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 - sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 - sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2 - sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 - E.g. a valid netlist looks like ``` x1 Vin Vout1 Vdd Vss inv x2 Vin2 Vout Vdd Vss inv XR1 Vout1 Vin2 Vss sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35 L=2 mult=1 m=1 XC1 Vin2 Vss sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1 W=4 L=4 MF=1 m=1 .subckt inv A Y Vdd Vss XM1 Y A Vss Vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 L=1 W=1 nf=1 m=1 XM2 Y A Vdd Vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 L=1 W=3 nf=3 m=1 .ends .end ``` ## Step 2: Do a placement There are two supported placement mechanisms: - Reinforcement learning based (``) - Simulated annealing based (``) To do a placement, adapt the global variables according to your circuit, and run the script in a shell. The most valuable ones are - `CIRCUIT_FILE`: Defines the input SPICE-netlist. - `CIRCUIT_NAME`: Defines the name of the top-circuit and top-cell. - `NET_RULES_FILE`: Defines the net-rules file in the json-format, to specify different net-widths. If not available set the variable to `None`. - `N_PLACEMENTS`: Defines the total number of performed trial placements. For the reinforcement learning based placement run: ``` python3 ``` For the simulated annealing based placement run: ``` python3 ``` The placed circuit will be stored under `PlacementCircuits/
## Placement Run for example ``` python3 ``` and place the circuit in Magic, per ``` python3 ``` Resulting placement:
## Routing Run ``` python3 ``` and show the routing in Magic per ``` python3 ``` Resulting routing: