JakubAndrysek / MkDoxy

📖 Automatically generates API documentation for your project based on Doxygen comments and code snippets in your markdown files.
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Using doxygen config file #93

Closed modkin closed 3 months ago

modkin commented 3 months ago


is it possible to use an existing doxygen config file instead of writing all doxygen options into the mkdocs.yml file?

I tried using the @INCLUDE tag but the @ seams to break the parser for the mkdocs.yml file.

Thanks in advance

NPotvin commented 3 months ago

Hi, I managed to use a Doxyfile by using \@INCLUDE: Path/To/Doxyfile but not all features of doxygen seem to work (I noticed the inheritance diagram was missing, while present in the doc generated by standalone doxygen)

JakubAndrysek commented 3 months ago

Implemented including Doxyfile, please, look at the documentation: https://mkdoxy.kubaandrysek.cz/usage/advanced/