James-Lycett / workplace-wellness

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Login Page Update + Mobile menu header #18

Closed cozyfestiv closed 2 months ago

cozyfestiv commented 2 months ago

Built out the new Login Page from my design, there's probably some bells and whistles that could be added, but now I'm obsessed with at least getting the facelift built out a bit before the hackathon starts. Which should probably be our priority at this point, just having a more visually clean version and we can worry about features later.

Actual issues:

The only one that still exists is that the pseudoclasses (before and after) for the border around the "or" text are just fibbed, since I couldn't get it to fill the div without adding a margin on the x axis. But I think it's pretty negligible unless you're curious about it / know how to do that easily.

the only other thing, is seeing what you think of the hover states on the buttons, as I created a new button class.

UPDATE: Added a mobile menu for the header for you to look over as well.