James-Lycett / workplace-wellness

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Workplace Wellness

Employee Sleep Health Tracker

Workplace Wellness is a web application for tracking and improving company-wide sleep health both for employees and employers. Users can input daily sleep and health metrics (eg., sleep duration, blood pressure, stress level) and view past reports or check out recommended strategies for improving their sleep health. Admins get a bird's eye view of the entire company's sleep health and can add or delete users as employees come and go from the company.

This project was originally developed as a team project for the Chegg Skills Winter '24 Hackathon. The team was comprised of three software engineers, a UI/UX designer, a data analyst, and a senior advisor. The repo you are looking at is the product of two of the team engineers' later efforts to re-engineer the codebase with an emphasis on refactoring and modernizing the UI/UX.

The original hackathon submission can be found here: https://github.com/EngineerPehr/winter_24_hackathon

Try It Out

The site is currently live here:

Login credentials for demo users:

username: blanfer0
password: 12345

(Base User)
username: jtuminelli1
password: 12345

How To Use Workplace Wellness



  1. Select the type of account you are registering, either 'Admin' or 'User'. The company's EIN will be required to register as an admin
  2. Enter a name and password to be used for your account
  3. Click 'Register'


Your account dashboard displays your monthly averages and the recommended goals set by your company.
Click 'Log Activity' to go to the activity log and record your daily metrics or 'View Past Reports' to go to the reports page and see a list of all your daily reports.

Log Activity:
The activity log page is where you input your sleep and health metrics for the day. Simply fill out the form and click 'Submit'.
The activity log page also has links to guides where you can learn more about ways to improve your health.


The admin dashboard provides a bird's eye view of the company's overall health and mood plus a personnel list with information about each employee's sleep health.
As an admin, you can register a new employee (see 'Register' section above) or remove an employee from the Workplace Wellness service by clicking the 'X' on their card.
Click 'See Report' to access resources to help you learn ways to improve your employees' sleep health.


James Lycett

Gregory Topscher


This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). You are free to share and adapt this work for non-commercial purposes, but you must give appropriate credit. Commercial use is not permitted.

For more details, visit the Creative Commons website.