James-Lycett / workplace-wellness

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Final UserProgressCharts, RadialBar mobile breakpoints, AdminEmployeesTable sort buttons, Header and Footer tweaks #78

Closed James-Lycett closed 2 months ago

James-Lycett commented 2 months ago

I spent a few hours this morning just closing tickets (#50, #17 and #76 ) and impatiently finishing everything up. "Move fast and break things" right?? .... ???? Major changes on UserProgressCharts, medium changes on AdminEmployeesTable, minor changes elsewhere.

I just altogether removed the "department goals" section from the top of the dashboard page. It wasn't doing anything and I couldn't think of anything really appealing to replace it with so bye bye.

There was a bug with getting goals with the loadData function (backend). It was using goalsService.read(personId) to get the goals but once I set up the userProgressCharts to actually use these goals the user view broke cause goalsService.read wasn't returning anything for any user except for blanfer since the only row we have in the goals table is personId = 1. So jtuminelli for example would be sending this request with personId = 2 and get nothing back - dashboard would crash because goals were undefined. I just changed loadData goals to goalsService.list()[0] to fix it

To Test:

Changes: I guess just check out the commit history it's all summed up there