James-Lycett / workplace-wellness

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Database Migration #83

Closed James-Lycett closed 1 month ago

James-Lycett commented 1 month ago

TL;DR, New database. The new env variables are under To Test and the necessary knexfile config is contained in this branch

Attempt number 2 at migrating our database!

This branch has all the updates from #80 plus the knexfile changes described here.


I chose to go with render for my all-in-one super mega database that will contain all of my personal projects in one instance for a few reasons:

  1. I'm well-acquainted with render at this point and I don't have to make yet another account for yet another website
  2. Render has decent support and documentation
  3. Render allows the creation of multiple databases within the same instance, so I don't have to have all my portfolio projects on the same database under different tables like I had initially planned, each project can still have its own database
  4. A render web service (backend) that is hosted in the same region as a render database can connect to that database via a local private network instead of via the public internet. From what I've seen when I briefly tested this out our dashboard loads like twice as fast!
  5. It's only $7/month, on the low end of what I've seen for comparable services

To Test



cozyfestiv commented 1 month ago

That was easy! Seems to be working perfectly on my end!