JamesMGreene / qunit-assert-html

A QUnit plugin for assertion methods to compare two HTML strings for equality after a rigorous normalization process.
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QUnit HTML assertion plugin

This plugin for QUnit adds htmlEqual and notHtmlEqual (plus alias htmlNotEqual) assertion methods to test that two HTML strings are equivalent (or not) after a rigorous normalization process.


assert.htmlEqual(actual, expected [, message]);
assert.notHtmlEqual(actual, expected [, message]);  // Alias: `assert.htmlNotEqual`


test('Example unit test', function(assert) {
  assert.htmlEqual('<B TITLE=test>test</B>', '<b title="test">test</b>');
  assert.notHtmlEqual('<br />', '<hr />');

For more examples, refer to the unit tests.



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Copyright (c) 2013-2016 James M. Greene Licensed under the MIT license.