JamesSG2 / Handwriting-Conversion-Application

This app would take in multiple images of a persons handwriting and then analyze those images (using AI software) in order to create a simulator that would then be able to output your personal handwriting as you type on a keyboard.
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This app would take in multiple images of a persons handwriting and then analyze those images (using AI software) in order to create a simulator that would then be able to output your personal handwriting as you type on a keyboard.

Instructions for using

Create a folder in src\data with the name of the person whose writing you want to analyze. Place your image sample in this folder. Run the python code and when prompted type the name of the person and the name of the image file. The program will create a new folder in src\output with the name of the person whose writing has been analyzed. This folder will contain image files of each character that was extracted. These images are sorted into folder alphabetically.