JamshedVesuna / StartupFairTweeting

Automatic Tweeting for the UCB EECS Startup Fair
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Automatic tweeting for the UCB EECS Startup Fair, because let's face it - we are just too lazy. This module tweets from a given csv file or emails a notification saying it's out of tweets.



  1. Get tweets from EventBrite. Go to the event page > Manage > Event Reports (Under Analyze).
    1. Click 'Show Columns' and make sure 'Survey Answers' is selected
    2. Click 'Update Report'
    3. Export to CSV
    4. Save the file as 'temp.csv'
    5. Put this file in the same directory as tweeper.py
  2. Run convert_evnt_brt_to_twts('temp.csv')
    1. This extracts the tweets and writes to EventBriteTweets.csv
  3. Copy EventBriteTweets.csv to tweets.csv
    1. Here's where you want to add custom tweets and edit the tweets that exist. Tweets are executed top down
    2. Be sure to follow the format of Some Tweet Text,False
    3. Note that tweets should not have commas in them
    4. Lines ending in False will be queued to tweet while lines ending with True won't be tweeted or have already been tweeted
  4. Uncomment the last 5 lines (main and name)
    1. Make sure to comment out the convert_evnt_brt_to_twts() line
  5. Set up a crontab to have this run in intervals (Weekly at first, then daily)