JanAhrens / yesod-quickstart

Basic Vagrantfile to build a Yesod and Haskell VM
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Yesod quickstart

Yesod quickstart is a basic Vagrant configuration that will create an Ubuntu virtual machine with the current Haskell Platform. It'll also setup Cabal and install Yesod.

This package will install GHC 7.6.3 and The Haskell Platform 2013.2.0.0. GHC and the Haskell Platform will be compiled. The same applies to Yesod, so expect the initial setup process to take 30 - 60 minutes (depending on your host machine and internet connection).


  1. Install VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
  2. Install Vagrant using your package manager. Don't use the Ruby Gem. It's outdated and not compatible with Berkshelf Vagrant: http://downloads.vagrantup.com/
  3. Install the Berkshelf Vagrant plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf


Once the requirements are installed, you can use this like any other Vagrant VM:

If you need more information or want to tweak the configuration, have a look at the Vagrant Documentation.