Master = jansilberg.com (LIVE)
/test/ folder = test.jansilberg.com (PRE-RELEASE)
Changes will happen directly to master instead of "test" branch - Update as of 7th of November 2018
1. step - Analysis
- Website purpose
- Website goals
- Target Audience
2. step - Planning
- Sitemap
- Website structure
- Technologies used
3. step - Design
- Wireframe models
- Visual style
- Usability, UI & UX
4. step - Content
- Copywriting
- Photos & Videos
5. step - Development
- Coding (html, CSS)
- Databases
- Hosting
- Responsive design (media queries)
6. step - Testing
- Techincal testing
- Browser compatibility
- "Does the site fulfill its purpose?"
7. step - Deployment
- Monitoring (that everything works)
- Bug fixes
- Maintenance (future patches, features etc.)