This is a REST API that will support the Bazaar React client. Please refer to the frontent repo @
The backend serves as a REST API for the React frontend to interact with. The API server is based on express
, and uses sessionless Json Web Tokens for authentication. The tokens are given a long life thanks to token blacklisting with the help of Redis
The API server has uses a basic rate limiter based on express-rate-limit
, since there is no way to configure Heroku's reverse proxy. We're using PostgreSQL
database, and we use Objection
ORM to manage data models and Knex
for queries/migrations/seeds.
While we used to use argon2
for password hashing, the build kept failing on Heroku's node.js buildpack, so now we're using bcrypt
We resize the pictures server-side using sharp
and store them in Amazon S3
. We also use Amazon SES
for sending emails, though we're planning on using nodemailer
on top of raw SES
to support more flexible templating.
The API also has websocket endpoints, and for that, we're using express-ws
, backed by Redis
For tests, we're using plain mocha
, and for CI/CD, we're using CircleCI
See docs/
Sungil Ahn
Ryan Hall