JanisEst / KeePassQuickUnlock

KeePass 2.x plugin which lets you unlock databases quickly.
MIT License
134 stars 11 forks source link
keepass key quick unlock



KeePassQuickUnlock is a plug-in for KeePass 2.x which lets you re-open your database without your full password. If you want to re-open your database, you can type just a few characters to unlock quickly and easily! If the wrong QuickUnlock key is entered, the database keeps locked and the full credentials are required to re-open. QuickUnlock works with combined keys like password + key file, ... (but was not tested with custom plugins like OtpKeyProv).

This plugin doesn't change the way how KeePass encrypts your database so your data is still safe. For more informations why this plugin doesn't break safety, read http://keepass.info/help/base/security.html#secspecattacks and/or my comment here.

A note for key file users: Because of the way how KeePass works you are forced to re-provide the path to your key file anytime the QuickUnlock plugin forgets the saved credentials. If you want to know why there is this limitation, you can read my comment here.



The QuickUnlock plugin has two different modes: The default mode uses a custom entry in your database while the other mode uses a part of your master password to quickly unlock the database.

QuickUnlock works only if you lock the database and reopen it. If you close and reopen KeePass QuickUnlock is not available. The shorter QuickUnlock key is kept encrypted in KeePass memory which gets erased when you close KeePass.

Because of the way how KeePass works the PartOf mode works only one time before you need to provide your full password again. Because of this limitation a custom entry in the database is the preferred way to use the plugin. If you want to know why there is this limitation, you can read my comment here. To enable the PartOf mode see the options part of this readme.

Custom Entry Mode

alt tag

PartOf Mode


alt tag


QuickUnlock integrates itself into the KeePass settings dialog.

alt tag

QuickUnlock Mode

QuickUnlock Settings

Part of Master Password


Master Password: password
Settings: Front + 4 Length
QuickUnlock key: password