JanssenProject / jans

An open source enterprise digital identity platform for CIAM or workforce... Janssen is a distribution of standards-based, developer friendly, components that are engineered to work together in any cloud. #OAuth #OpenID #FIDO
Apache License 2.0
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fix(docs): autogenerate docs #10232

Closed mo-auto closed 3 days ago

mo-auto commented 3 days ago

Auto generated docs Closes #10233,

mo-auto commented 3 days ago

Error: Hi @mo-auto, You did not reference an open issue in your PR. I attempted to create an issue for you.
Please update that issues' title and body and make sure I correctly referenced it in the above PRs body.

dryrunsecurity[bot] commented 3 days ago

DryRun Security Summary

The pull request focuses on updating the documentation and configuration options for various Helm charts and Docker images related to the Janssen project, with key security-related changes including the removal of Couchbase support, improved persistence configuration, granular access control, and the introduction of Google Secret Manager for secure storage of sensitive information.

Expand for full summary
**Summary:** The code changes in this pull request focus on updating the documentation and configuration options for various Helm charts and Docker images related to the Janssen project. The key security-related changes include: 1. **Removal of Couchbase Support**: The changes across multiple charts and Docker images indicate a move away from Couchbase as a persistence backend, in favor of SQL and hybrid persistence modes. This is a positive security change, as Couchbase has had a history of security vulnerabilities. 2. **Improved Persistence Configuration**: The updated `CN_HYBRID_MAPPING` configurations ensure that the hybrid persistence mode uses SQL as the backend for all data categories, which is generally considered more secure than Couchbase. 3. **Granular Access Control**: The changes to the Jans Config API Swagger documentation suggest a move towards a more granular access control model for attributes, which can improve the overall security of the application. 4. **Secure Storage of Sensitive Information**: The introduction of Google Secret Manager for storing Janssen configuration and secrets is a good security practice, as it allows for centralized management and access control of sensitive information. Overall, the changes in this pull request appear to be focused on improving the security and maintainability of the Janssen project by simplifying the persistence options, enhancing access control, and implementing better practices for securing sensitive information. **Files Changed:** - `charts/janssen/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen-all-in-one/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/auth-server/README.md`: Documentation update, highlights security-relevant configurations. - `charts/janssen/charts/auth-server-key-rotation/README.md`: Documentation update, highlights security-relevant configurations. - `charts/janssen/charts/cn-istio-ingress/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/casa/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/config-api/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/nginx-ingress/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/fido2/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/config/README.md`: Documentation update, highlights security-relevant configurations. - `charts/janssen/charts/kc-scheduler/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/persistence/README.md`: Documentation update, highlights security-relevant configurations. - `charts/janssen/charts/link/README.md`: Documentation update, no security implications. - `charts/janssen/charts/saml/README.md`: Documentation update, highlights security-relevant configurations. - `charts/janssen/charts/scim/README.md`: Documentation update, highlights security-relevant configurations. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-casa.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-auth-server.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-certmanager.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/install/docker-install/compose.md`: Documentation update, highlights security-relevant configurations. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-config-api.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-configurator.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-persistence-loader.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-link.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-scim.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. - `docs/janssen-server/reference/kubernetes/docker-jans-fido2.md`: Configuration update, removing Couchbase support. -

Code Analysis

We ran 9 analyzers against 27 files and 0 analyzers had findings. 9 analyzers had no findings.


:green_circle: Risk threshold not exceeded.

View PR in the DryRun Dashboard.

sonarcloud[bot] commented 3 days ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed for 'jans-config-api-parent'

0 New issues
0 Accepted issues

0 Security Hotspots
0.0% Coverage on New Code
0.0% Duplication on New Code

See analysis details on SonarQube Cloud