JaqiKal / pixavibe-frontend

The Pixavibe is a social media website for sharing photos. Created as part of my full-stack portfolio project 5 for the Code Institute diploma in full stack software development.
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Pixavibe is a Full-Stack web application designed to facilitate content sharing among users, similar to Instagram. Utilizing Django Rest Framework for the back-end and React for the front-end, the application provides a seamless user experience for browsing, posting, and interacting with content.

Visit the website: Pixavibe

Table of Contents

Live Site

Pixavibe site

API Backend


The Strategy Plane

Development Goals and Corresponding User Stories

Primary Objective:

To create a user-friendly, responsive platform that enables users to share and interact with various content types (photos, text).

User Stories:

Secondary Objectives:

List of secondary objectives
1. **Implement essential social media features such as liking, commenting, and following.** **User Stories:** - **US-34:** Add Comments to Posts - **US-42:** Follow/Unfollow Users - **US-27:** View Liked Posts - **US-28:** View Followed Users' Posts - **US-30:** Add Tags to Posts - **US-47:** Block/(hide) Users - **US-70:** Blocked Users Cannot See or Interact with the User's Posts 2. **Ensure smooth and intuitive navigation for users.** **User Stories:** - **US-14:** Navbar View on Every Page - **US-15:** Seamless Page Navigation - **US-29:** Infinite Scroll - **US-32:** View Post Page 3. **Maintain high performance and scalability of the application.** **User Stories:** - **US-10:** Integrate Front-End and API

Developer Goals:

List of developer goals
1. **Build a robust, scalable back-end using Django Rest Framework.** **User Stories:** - **US-7:** DRF - Set Up Django Project - **US-8:** DRF - Design Database Models - **US-9:** DRF - Implement API CRUD Operations 2. **Develop a dynamic, responsive front-end with React.js.** **User Stories:** - **US-5:** Design Responsive UI - **US-6:** Create Reusable Components 3. **Emphasize clean, maintainable code and efficient database usage.** **User Stories:** - **US-3:** SP - Set Up Project Repositories 4. **Ensure secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms.** **User Stories:** - **US-11:** DRF - Secure User Data - **US-16:** Sign Up For New Account - **US-17:** Sign In to Access Features - **US-18:** Logged In Status Check - **US-19:** Maintain Logged-In Status - **US-20:** Conditional Sign In/Up Options - **US-70:** Blocked Users Cannot See or Interact with the User's Posts 5. **Document the development process and deployment steps clearly in README files for both front-end and back-end repositories.** **User Stories:** - **US-4:** SP - Configure Dev Environment - **US-12:** Write React Component Tests - **US-13:** DRF - Write API Endpoint Tests

User-Centric Goals:

List of user goals
1. **Provide an intuitive interface for users to easily post, edit, and delete content.** **User Stories:** - **US-22:** Create New Posts - **US-33:** Edit My Post Details - **US-37:** Delete My Comments - **US-38:** Edit My Comment - **US-44:** Edit My Profile - **US-45:** Update Username and Password 2. **Enable social interactions through commenting, liking, and following other users.** **User Stories:** - **US-34:** Add Comments to Posts - **US-24:** Like Posts - **US-42:** Follow/Unfollow Users - **US-21:** View User Avatars - **US-36:** Read Comments on Posts - **US-35:** View Comment Dates 3. **Ensure easy navigation and content discovery through effective search and filter functionalities.** **User Stories:** - **US-26:** Search Posts by Keywords - **US-31:** Search Posts by Tags - **US-43:** View All Posts by Specific User - **US-40:** View Most Followed Profiles - **US-41:** View User Stats - **US-61:** Add category to posts - **US-67:** Add category filter 4. **Deliver a responsive design for optimal user experience across devices.** **User Stories:** - **US-5:** Design Responsive UI

Learning Outcomes and Skill Development:

List LO & Skills
1. **To master Full-Stack development by building a comprehensive web application from scratch.** **User Stories:** - **US-7:** DRF - Set Up Django Project - **US-10:** Integrate Front-End and API 2. **To improve front-end skills with React.js, focusing on component-based architecture, state management, and responsive design.** **User Stories:** - **US-6:** Create Reusable Components - **US-5:** Design Responsive UI 3. **To refine back-end development abilities using Django Rest Framework, emphasizing API development, database design, and secure authentication.** **User Stories:** - **US-8:** DRF - Design Database Models - **US-11:** DRF - Secure User Data - **US-46:** DRF - Implement Blocking Functionality - **US-48:** DRF - Create Contact Form - **US-50:** DRF - Implement Post Tagging 4. **To apply Agile methodologies for efficient project management, incorporating user feedback and adapting to changing requirements.** **User Stories:** - **US-3:** SP - Set Up Project Repositories - **US-2:** SP - Identify Key Features

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Agile Planning and Development

Is Pixavibe agile?
Agile methodologies and principles guide the planning and creation of Pixavibe. While not adhering strictly to traditional Agile methodologies, such as scheduled sprints or scrums. We base the development process on Agile principles, focusing on flexibility, continuous improvement, and rapid adaptation to change. Instead of using sprints, we focus directly on developing epics corresponding to backend apps and following the priority level on the User Stories within each epic. Our high level approach is to divide the project into phases: plan, development (incl unit testing & function testing) and continuous deployment. Documentation is created, continuously reviewed and updated along the way. Our approach is straightforward: develop features in a logical sequence, addressing core functionalities first before expanding to more complex features. When we encounter bugs or issues, we record them as bug issues and add them to the backlog, rather than halting development. This allows us to continue progressing in other areas while periodically revisiting and prioritizing the backlog based on severity and impact. This method ensures that we maintain development momentum while systematically addressing and resolving issues. We actively seek and analyze user feedback to identify areas for improvement, ensuring the product continuously evolves to meet user needs and expectations effectively. We used a project [kanban board](https://github.com/users/JaqiKal/projects/14) to track progress, moving user stories between 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Bug', and 'Done' columns as appropriate.

Project Tracking (GitHub Projects)


Epic list
- [EPIC#51: Define Set Up and Project Scope](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/51) This epic defines the project's scope and vision, identify key features, and set up the project repositories and development environment to ensure all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project's goals and objectives and to manage the codebase efficiently. - [EPIC#52: Design and Implement User Interface](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/52) This epic design a responsive and user-friendly interface using React to provide a seamless experience across devices. - [EPIC#53: Set Up and Secure Django Rest Framework](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/53) This epic set up the Django Rest Framework and secure user data for building and maintaining the API. - [EPIC#54: Integrate Front-End and Back-End](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/54) This epic ensure dynamic data fetching and display by integrating the front-end with the back-end API. - [EPIC#55: Testing](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/55) This epic is about writing tests to ensure the functionality and reliability of the application. - [EPIC#56: Navigation & Authentication](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/56) This epic implement navigation and authentication features to enhance user experience and security. - [EPIC#57: Adding & Liking Posts](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/57) This epic enable users to create, view, and like posts to engage with the content. - [EPIC#58: The Posts Page](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/58) This epic provide features to view and interact with posts, including searching and infinite scroll. - [EPIC#59: The Post Page](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/59) This epic - [EPIC#60: The Profile Page](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/60) This epic enable users to manage their profiles and interact with other user profiles. - [EPIC#62: A blocking functionality so that users can manage their privacy](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/62) This epic strengthen user privacy by implementing effective blocking capabilities - [EPIC#63: Streamlining User Engagement and Feedback Processes](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/63) This epic facilitate Efficient User Communication and Feedback Management. - [EPIC#64: Enhance content organization through hashtags](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/64) This epic improve Content Accessibility and Organization via Advanced Tagging.

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User Stories

User Story list
SP = Set up phase, aka inception /sprint zero, foundational tasks necessary before main development begins.
DRF = developing functionalities that are typically part of the Django REST Framework (DRF) phase.
The unmarked are part of the development during Frontend phase.
| US-ID | Area | User story Title | Statement | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [1](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/1) | Scope | SP - Define Project Scope | As a product owner, I want to define the project scope and vision so that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project's goals and objectives | | [2](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/2) | Scope | SP - Identify Key Features | As a product owner, I want to identify key features and functionalities required for the application so that it meets user needs effectively | | [3](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/3) | Development | SP - Set Up Project Repositories | As a developer, I want to set up a project repository for the front-end and back-end so that I can manage the codebase efficiently | | [4](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/4) | Development | SP - Configure Dev Environment | As a developer, I want to configure the development environment so that I can ensure consistent setup across different machines | | [5](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/5) | Development | Design Responsive UI | As a developer, I want to design a responsive user interface using React so that users have a seamless experience across devices | | [6](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/6) | Development | Create Reusable Components | As a developer, I want to create reusable components in React so that the codebase is maintainable and scalable | | [7](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/7) | Development | DRF - Set Up Django Project | As a developer, I want to create a Django project and set up the Django Rest Framework so that I can build the API | | [8](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/5) | Development | DRF - Design Database Models | As a developer, I want to design database models so that the data is structured logically | | [9](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/9) | Development | DRF - Implement API CRUD Operations | As a developer, I want to implement CRUD operations in the API so that users can manage their content | | [10](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/10) | Development | Integrate Front-End and API | As a developer, I want to integrate the front-end with the back-end API so that data can be fetched and displayed dynamically | | [11](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/11) | Development | DRF - Secure User Data | As a developer, I want to secure user data by storing passwords hashed and ensuring sensitive information is protected | | [12](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/12) | Development | Write React Component Tests | As a developer, I want to write tests so that I can ensure the functionality of my React components | | [13](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/13) | Development | DRF - Write API Endpoint Tests | As a developer, I want to write tests so that I can verify the correctness of the API endpoints | | [14](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/14) | Navigation & Authentication | Navbar View on Every Page | As a user I can view a navbar from every page so that I can navigate easily between pages | | [15](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/15) | Navigation & Authentication | Seamless Page Navigation | As a user I can navigate through pages quickly so that I can view content seamlessly without page refresh | | [16](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/16) | Navigation & Authentication | Sign Up for New Account | As a user I can create a new account so that I can access all the features for signed up users | | [17](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/17) | Navigation & Authentication | Sign In to Access Features | As a user I can sign in to the app so that I can access functionality for logged in users | | [18](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/18) | Navigation & Authentication | Logged In Status Check | As a user I can tell if I am logged in or not so that I can log in if I need to | | [19](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/19) | Navigation & Authentication | Maintain Logged-In Status | As a user I can maintain my logged-in status until I choose to log out so that my user experience is not compromised | | [20](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/20) | Navigation & Authentication | Conditional Sign In/Up Options | Conditional rendering - As a logged out user I can see sign in and sign up options so that I can sign in/sign up | | [21](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/21) | Navigation & Authentication | View User Avatars | As a user I can view user's avatars so that I can easily identify users of the application | | [22](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/22) | Adding & Liking Posts | Create New Posts | As a logged in user I can create posts so that I can share my images with the world! | | [23](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/23) | Adding & Liking Posts | View Post Details | As a user I can view the details of a single post so that I can learn more about it | | [24](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/24) | Adding & Liking Posts | Like Posts | As a logged in user I can like a post so that I can show my support for the posts that interest me | | [25](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/25) | The Posts Page | View Most Recent Posts | As a user I can view all the most recent posts, ordered by most recently created first so that I am up to date with the newest content | | [26](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/26) | The Posts Page | Search Posts by Keywords | As a user, I can search for posts with keywords, so that I can find the posts and user profiles I am most interested in | | [27](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/27) | The Posts Page | View Liked Posts | As a logged in user I can view the posts I liked so that I can find the posts I enjoy the most | | [28](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/28) | The Posts Page | View Followed Users' Posts | As a logged in user I can view content filtered by users I follow so that I can keep up to date with what they are posting about | | [29](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/29) | The Posts Page | Infinite scroll | As a user I can keep scrolling through the images on the site, that are loaded for me automatically so that I don't have to click on "next page" etc | | [30](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/30) | The Posts Page | Add hashtags to Posts | As a user, I want to add hashtags to my posts so that they are easier to find | | [31](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/31) | The Posts Page | Search Posts by hashtag | As a user, I want to search for posts by hashtags so that I can find related content | | [67](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/67) | The Posts Page | Add category to posts | As a user, I want to add category to my posts so that they are easier to find | | [71](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/71) | The Posts Page | Add category filter | As a user, I want to be able to filter category so that posts are easier to find | | [32](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/32) | The Post Page | View Post Page | As a user I can view the posts page so that I can read the comments about the post | | [33](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/33) | The Post Page | Edit My Post Details | As a post owner I can edit my post title and description so that I can make corrections or update my post after it was created | | [34](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/34) | The Post Page | Add Comments to Posts | As a logged in user I can add comments to a post so that I can share my thoughts about the post | | [35](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/35) | The Post Page | View Comment Dates | As a user I can see how long ago a comment was made so that I know how old a comment is | | [36](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/36) | The Post Page | Read Comments on Posts | As a user I can read comments on posts so that I can read what other users think about the posts | | [37](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/37) | The Post Page | Delete My Comments | As an owner of a comment I can delete my comment so that I can control removal of my comment from the application | | [38](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/38) | The Post Page | Edit My comment | As an owner of a comment I can edit my comment so that I can fix or update my existing comment | | [39](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/39) | The Profile Page | View User Profiles | As a user I can view other users profiles so that I can see their posts and learn more about them | | [40](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/40) | The Profile Page | View Most Followed Profiles | As a user I can see a list of the most followed profiles so that I can see which profiles are popular | | [41](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/41) | The Profile Page | View User Stats | As a user I can view statistics about a specific user: bio, number of posts, follows and users followed so that I can learn more about them | | [42](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/42) | The Profile Page | Follow/Unfollow Users | Follow/Unfollow a user: As a logged in user I can follow and unfollow other users so that I can see and remove posts by specific users in my posts feed | | [43](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/43) | The Profile Page | View All Posts by specific User | As a user I can view all the posts by a specific user so that I can catch up on their latest posts, or decide I want to follow them | | [44](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/44) | The Profile Page | Edit My Profile | As a logged in user I can edit my profile so that I can change my profile picture and bio | | [45](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/45) | The Profile Page | Update username and password | As a logged in user I can update my username and password so that I can change my display name and keep my profile secure | | [46](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/46) | The Profile Page | DRF - Implement Blocking Functionality | As a developer, I want to implement a blocking functionality so that users can manage their privacy effectively | | [47](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/47) | The Profile Page | Block/(Hide) Users | As a user, I want to be able to block other users so that they cannot interact with my content | | [48](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/48) | The Profile Page | DRF - Create Contact Form | As a developer, I want to create a contact form that stores user queries, complaints, or suggestions in the Contact model so that the platform can handle user feedback | | [49](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/49) | The Profile Page | Send Feedback to Admins | As a user, I want to send feedback or queries to the platform administrators so that I can report issues or suggest improvements | | [50](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/50) | The Profile Page | DRF - Implement Post Tagging | As a developer, I want to implement tagging functionality for posts so that users can categorize their content | | [70](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/70) | The Profile Page | Blocked users cannot see or interact with the user's posts | As a user, I want to block other users so that they cannot see or interact with my posts |

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ #### MoSCoW Prioritization
By focusing on the Must Have features, the project ensures the highest priority tasks are completed first, delivering a functional and valuable product to users. The Should Have and Could Have features provide room for enhancements and future iterations, aligning with both the MoSCoW method and the Pareto principle for effective project management. - Must Have:
Includes tasks that set up the project foundation and core functionalities necessary for the project to operate (setting up the environment, repositories, core CRUD operations, and essential user features). - Should Have:
Enhances usability, maintainability, and user experience, but are not critical for the initial launch (responsive design, navigation improvements, additional user profile features). - Could Have:
Adds value but can be deferred without impacting the core functionality (tagging, advanced user interactions, and feedback mechanisms). - Won't Have:
Deferred features that are not essential for the initial launch but could be considered for future phases (infinite scroll).
Prioritized User stories
| Phase | US-ID | Must Have | Should Have | Could Have | | -------- | ----- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | | SP | 1 | Define Project Scope | | | | SP | 2 | Identify Key Features | | | | SP | 3 | Set Up Project Repositories | | | | SP | 4 | Configure Dev Environment | | | | DRF | 7 | Set Up Django Project | | | | DRF | 8 | Design Database Models | | | | DRF | 9 | Implement API CRUD Operations | | | | DRF | 10 | Integrate Front-End and API | | | | DRF | 11 | Secure User Data | | | | Frontend | 16 | Sign Up for New Account | | | | Frontend | 17 | Sign In to Access Features | | | | Frontend | 22 | Create New Posts | | | | Frontend | 23 | View Post Details | | | | Frontend | 24 | Like Posts | | | | Frontend | 25 | View Most Recent Posts | | | | Frontend | 39 | View User Profiles | | | | Frontend | 42 | Follow/Unfollow Users | | | | Frontend | 44 | Edit My Profile | | | | Frontend | 67 | Add category to posts | | | | Frontend | 71 | Add category filter | | | | Frontend | 5 | | Design Responsive UI | | | Frontend | 6 | | Create Reusable Components | | | Frontend | 12 | | Write React Component Tests | | | Frontend | 13 | | Write API Endpoint Tests | | | Frontend | 14 | | Navbar View on Every Page | | | Frontend | 15 | | Seamless Page Navigation | | | Frontend | 18 | | Logged In Status Check | | | Frontend | 19 | | Maintain Logged-In Status | | | Frontend | 20 | | Conditional Sign In/Up Options | | | Frontend | 21 | | View User Avatars | | | Frontend | 27 | | View Liked Posts | | | Frontend | 28 | | View Followed Users' Posts | | | Frontend | 32 | | View Post Page | | | Frontend | 33 | | Edit My Post Details | | | Frontend | 34 | | Add Comments to Posts | | | Frontend | 36 | | Read Comments on Posts | | | Frontend | 37 | | Delete My Comments | | | Frontend | 38 | | Edit My comment | | | Frontend | 43 | | View All Posts by specific User | | | Frontend | 45 | | Update username and password | | | Frontend | 30 | | | Add Tags to Posts | | Frontend | 31 | | | Search Posts by Tags | | Frontend | 35 | | | View Comment Dates | | Frontend | 40 | | | View Most Followed Profiles | | Frontend | 41 | | | View User Stats | | DRF | 46 | | | Implement Blocking Functionality | | Frontend | 47 | | | Block Users | | DRF | 48 | | | Create Contact Form | | Frontend | 49 | | | Send Feedback to Admins | | DRF | 50 | | | Implement Post Tagging | | Frontend | 29 | | | Infinite scroll |

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ ## The Structure Plane ### Wireframes
All Wireframe Images
Login/Signup ![X](/documentation/readme-image/wireframes/wireframe_login_register.webp) Posts Page ![X](/documentation/readme-image/wireframes/wireframe_auth_home.webp) Post Page ![X](/documentation/readme-image/wireframes/wireframe_postdetail.webp) Profile ![X](/documentation/readme-image/wireframes/wireframe_profile.webp) Contact ![X](/documentation/readme-image/wireframes/wireframe_contact.webp) Log out ![X](/documentation/readme-image/wireframes/wireframe_nonauth.png)

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ ## The Skeleton ### Implemented Features:
List of existing features
**Defensive Features** - Authorization checks - Keeping It Secure - Strong Authorization Checks: We’ve got layers of protection with JWT tokens and CORS headers. Only authorized users get in! - Access Control: Unauthorized? Sorry, but you’ll be sent packing. We always check your credentials before you get to see any user data. - Form validation - Smooth and Error-Free Forms - Data Validation: We make sure your data is good to go, both on the frontend and backend. - Image Control: No oversized images here! We have custom validators keeping those file sizes in check. - Safe Defaults: Default values and character limits keep things neat and tidy. - Backup and default values - Ready for Anything - Profile Pics: Don’t worry about broken images—default profile pictures have got your back. - Auto Profiles: Every new user gets a profile automatically. No null references on our watch! - Error pages or as better known Oops! Pages - Error Pages: If you wander into the unknown, a “Page Not Found” error will guide you back on track. **General Features** - Responsive Design: Looks Great Everywhere: Our site adjusts beautifully across all devices. Complete Control - User Interaction - Get Involved: Like, comment, follow—get the full experience based on your authorization status. Pixavibe administrator have superuser authority and manages full CRUD. - CRUD Operations: - Create - users can register a new user account, authenticated users can create post(s) and create a comment(s) - Read - authenticated users can view their posts, comments, and their profile image. - Update - authenticated users can update their profile image, username and password, and edit and save comments, its title, and select/deselect category and save it. - Delete - authenticated users can delete their own comments and posts. **SignIn/SignUp Page**
Join the Fun: Creating an account is easy-peasy. After signing up, you’ll be whisked to the sign-in page. Already signed in? You’ll head straight to the home page. ![X](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/signin.webp) ![X](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/signup.webp) **Navigation Bar**
Always There for You: The navigation bar adapts to whether you’re signed in or not, and it looks great on any screen size. ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/iph-nav.webp) ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/air-nav.webp) **Profile Page**
Showcase Yourself: See detailed info about users, including posts, followers, and who they follow. If you follow them, it’s highlighted. Add personal touches with a dedicated info section. Follow or hide users unless it’s your own profile. All posts from the profile owner are displayed below. Click on the three dots and edit your profile, change username, change password ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/profile_edit_dropdown.webp) ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/full_profile_own.webp) ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/edit_profile_bio.webp) ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/edit_profile_name.webp) ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/edit_profile_pw.webp) Hide with Block button, hidden profile is not seen in feeds, and will not appear when searched on. Sometimes one may need some mild curating... Hidden user is still able to see and interact with the blocker. In coming development iterations this feature will evolve to become a true block, where no interaction will be permitted from the blocked user. ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/hide.webp) **Profiles Sidebar**
Popular Profiles: Check out the most followed profiles. Follow or unfollow with a click, and enjoy a sidebar that fits perfectly on any screen. The profile sidebar is always present on screens that are large enough. On smaller screens, it appears in a smaller section above the main content, and on certain pages it is removed. ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/popular_profile.webp) **Posts page**
Endless Inspiration: Browse posts infinitely! Use the search bar to find posts by title or username. Use category to filter. See your personalized feed of posts from those you follow and liked posts. Blocked users won’t show up. ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/postlist.webp) Category filter ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/category_before_after.webp) Follow/unfollow ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/follow_unfollow.webp) Like/unlike ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/like_nolike.webp) Block/ unblock ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/hide.webp) **Post Page**
Dive into Details: See all the nitty-gritty about a post, including comments. Edit or delete your posts easily. Tag posts with one category, and (once the bug’s fixed) multiple hashtags. The multi-hashtag feature is hidden for now due to [BUG#68](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/68). Like the category tagging, it offers a predefined list to select/deselect multiple hashtags. However, once a post is saved, you can't change the hashtags during edits. To avoid a bad user experience, we've temporarily hidden this feature in the belly of our scrumptious app. Owner´s post(s), me, myself and I! ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/postdetail.webp) Edit Image, Title, Content, Category ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/edit_postdetail.webp) Select a category tag and add to post. Makes life easier when one can filter on category. ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/add_post_category_dropdown.webp) Dropdown menu for edit and delete of individual post. ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/edit_delete.webp) Edit Comments ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/comment_suite.webp) **Contact Form**
Get in Touch: Use our form to reach out. A friendly modal will thank you for your message, but just a heads up—this is a student project, so we’re not monitoring messages closely. Thanks for testing! ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/contact.webp) ![x](/documentation/readme-image/existing_feat/contact_modal.webp)
### Future Features
The following will be added in future iterations of this project:
- **Hashtags**: Organize and filter content using hashtags to connect users. This feature is on hold due to [BUG#68](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/68). The issue involves an inability to save new hashtags after editing a post, leading to the retention of the previous selection. The multi-select form for hashtags was removed to avoid confusion and disruption until a solution is found. - **Admin Page Expansion**: Enhance the admin page to manage various tasks, such as handling messages sent through the contact form. This would allow admins to respond directly to users from a dedicated admin-only page. - **Chat/Direct Messaging**: Introduce a chat or direct messaging function to facilitate user communication. - **Alert Notifications**: Implement alert notifications for broadcasting messages to all users. - **Block Feature Evolution**: Currently, blocking hides users. In the future, it will also prevent the blocked user from interacting with the blocker’s content. - **Profile Customization**: Allow users to customize their profiles with themes, backgrounds, and additional information fields. - **Content Recommendations**: Implement a recommendation system to suggest posts, users, or hashtags based on user activity and preferences. - **Enhanced Search**: Improve search functionality to include advanced filters and sorting options, making it easier for users to find specific content. - **Content Moderation Tools**: Provide tools for users to report inappropriate content and for admins to review and manage reports efficiently. - **Integration with External Services**: Allow users to link their accounts with external services such as social media platforms for seamless content sharing and authentication. - **Contact form**: Add email service and functionality to allow users to send messages to the site administrators. The contact form will collect the user's email, subject, and message, and send an email notification to the admin upon submission. This feature will enhance user support and feedback management.

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ ## The Surface Plane ### Design
Colour-Scheme, Typography and Imagery
We were reminiscing about our childhood and the simple joys that filled those days. One such joy was an enterprise that delivered ice cream directly from the factory to our doorstep. Even now, it brings a smile to our faces. The colors in our palette are inspired by our favorite ice cream flavors from those cherished memories. A joyous recollection forms the foundation of our color scheme. - Page background colour is a light shade of lilac (#e7d5e6;). - Navbar are light green (#e8f7ef) - Main text is Lilac (#6d398a) - Links and Icons are lilac (#6d398a) - Container text is lilac (#6d398a) - Icon and Link hover is green (#0ctb04) - Border line and shadow is light lilac (#f0d2ee) - Follow/unfollow button shift between (#2142b2/#f0f8ff) - Block/unblock button shift between (#7d726c/#e7d5e6) - SignIn button shift between (#bc9bbb/#6d398a) - SignUp button shift between (#6d398a/#bc9bbb) - Contact form button shift between (#0c7b04/#bc9bbb) ![palette](/documentation/readme-image/pixawibe_palette.webp)
#### Typography The main font used on the website is "DM Sans". ![font](/documentation/readme-image/font_dm-sans.webp)
_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ #### Imagery The images on this website are made by DALL-E or if in post feed, private origin.

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ #### Reusable Component Design This application emphasizes modularity and reusability. Each component is designed to function independently and can be easily repurposed in different contexts. Some components have multiple uses across the app and offer potential for further applications.
A selection of reusable components
**Asset component** - Purpose: Display a media asset, such as images, spinner animations, and messages. - Props: src, message, spinner - Usage: `const Asset` is considered a reusable component and has been reused in: NotFound.js, PostCreateForm.js, PostPage.js, PostsPage.js, PopularProfiles.js, ProfilePage.js to display a spinner whenever content is loading. - Potential uses: Loading spinners or media placeholders in any section of the application. **Avatar component** - Purpose: Display user profile images. - Props: profile, owner, image Usage: `const Avatar` is considered a reusable component and has been reused in: NavBar.js, Comment.js, CommentCreateForm.js, Post.js and Profile.js to handle and import the avatar for the user - Potential uses: User profile displays, comment sections, and anywhere a user image is required. **CategorySelect Component** - Purpose: This component encompasses functionality that fetches categories from an API and displays them in a dropdown menu, allowing users to filter items based on the selected category. It can be reused in different situations where a dropdown list with filtering for categories is needed. - Props: setFilter: Function to update the selected category filter, mobile: Boolean to indicate if the component is in mobile view. - Usage: `const CategoryFilter` is considered a reusable component and has been reused in: PostsPage.js to render the Category filtering of posts. - Potential uses: Filtering options in other lists or content sections, such as product categories or blog tags. **Comment** - Purpose: Display a comment with options to edit or delete it if the current user is the owner. - Props: id, content, owner and more. - Usage:`const Comment`is considered a reusable component and has been reused in: PostPage.js to fetch comments related to the specific post. - Potential uses: Blog post comments, forum threads, product reviews, and profile pages to display user comments. **MoreDropdown Component** - Purpose: Provide a dropdown menu for actions like editing and deleting items. - Props: handleEdit (function to handle the edit action), handleDelete (function to handle the delete action). - Usage: `const MoreDropdown` has been reused in Comment.js, Post.js and ProfilePage.js to render the dropdown menu the enable the user to edit their data. - Potential uses: Context menus for various content types that support edit and delete actions. **Navbar** - Purpose: Present a navigation bar for the application, including links and user authentication options. - Usage: const Navbar is a reusable component and has been reused in App.js to render the navbar on the entire website, regardless of the URL path. - Potential uses: Could be adapted for use in different applications with minimal adjustments to routing and links. **Post** - Purpose: Display a specific post. - Props: id, title, content, owner and more. - Usage: const Post is a reusable component and has been reused in PostPage.js and PostsPage.js to display post data. - Potential uses: Featured post component, list of popular posts, forum threads, or portfolio showcases. **ProfileDataContext and CurrentUserContext** - Purpose: Manage user and profile data across the application. - Usage: - CurrentUserContext: Provides current user data. - ProfileDataContext: Provides profile data, such as popular profiles. - Used in: Various components requiring user or profile data. - Potential uses: Any component that needs to access or manipulate user-related state efficiently. **Profile** - Purpose: This component is designed to render a user profile with options for following/unfollowing and block/unblock based on the current user's interaction status with the profile. - Props: profile, owner, image - Usage: Can be used as a Community memeber widget, Author card in blog posts, Participant list in events pages. `const Profile* is considered a reusable component and has been reused in: PopularProfiles.js to render the profiles in the popular profiles field. - Potential uses: Highly reusable, convenient to use anywhere where you need to show the profile/user associated with a piece of content. Community member widget, author card in blog posts, participant list in events pages. **Custom Hooks** - useClickOutsideToggle - Purpose: Handle click outside events to toggle state. - Usage: Can be reused in any component that needs to handle click outside functionality. - useRedirect - Purpose: Redirect users based on their authentication status. - Usage: Can be reused in any component that needs to handle user redirects based on authentication. **Utility Functions** - Utility functions (e.g., date formatting, data validation) - Purpose: General-purpose functions that can be used across different parts of the application.
### Technologies
List of technologies and Languages used
#### Language - [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) is used to structure the content of the application. - [CSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS) is applied to style the application, enhancing the user interface.. - [JavaScript](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javascript) adds interactivity to web pages, improving the user experience. - [JSX](https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/faq-build.html#gatsby-focus-wrapper) & [Intro JSX](https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/introducing-jsx.html) #### Frameworks, libraries and dependencies - [Axios](https://axios-http.com/) - A promise-based HTTP client for both the browser and Node.js, Axios plays a key role in facilitating smooth communication between the frontend and backend. It was chosen for its ability to simplify HTTP requests to the REST API, eliminating the need to manually configure HTTP headers. Additionally, Axios supports 'interceptors', which are used to request a refresh token in the event of an HTTP 401 error. This feature enhances the user experience by keeping authenticated users signed in for up to 24 hours, rather than requiring them to sign in again after five minutes. - [CSS Validator 0.11.0]() - A tool used to validate CSS code. It ensures that all CSS written for the project adheres to standard syntax rules and best practices. Using this validator helps in maintaining clean and error-free stylesheets, which is essential for consistent and predictable rendering across different browsers. - [jwt-decode 3.1.2](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jwt-decode) - Used for decoding JSON web tokens, this tool has been essential for maintaining secure user authentication between the frontend and backend. - [Multiselect React Dropdown 2.0.25]() - This component is used to provide a multi-select dropdown functionality in React applications. It allows users to select multiple options from a dropdown menu, enhancing the user interface by making it more interactive and user-friendly. This component is particularly useful for forms and filtering data where multiple selections are needed. It was chosen mostly because it is fun to try out. The functionality was proven, and very handy but unfortunately a bug in our code base is stopping us from showcasing it to users. It is going to be used for the Hashtag feature. - [React 17.0.2](https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html) - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. An older version was chosen to stay inline with all other dependencies used as part of the Moments walkthrough which provided a base that this project was then modelled on. - [React bootstrap 1.6.6](https://react-bootstrap.github.io/) - A frontend framework built for react that provides common components. React bootstrap was chosen to help speed up the development of this project and allow time to focused elsewhere. - [React Router 5.3.4](https://github.com/remix-run/react-router) - This fully-featured routing library for React allowed for seamless site navigation, greatly enhancing the user experience. - [react-infinite-scroll-component](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-infinite-scroll-component) - Implemented to enable the loading of additional data sets upon scrolling, especially when data surpasses pagination limits.
_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ #### Tools and Services
List of Tools & Services
- [Am I Responsive?](http://ami.responsivedesign.is/) is used to show the website image on a range of devices. - [ASPOSE](https://products.aspose.app/pdf/sv/conversion/jpg-to-webp#) is used to convert image to WEBP. - [Balsamiq](https://balsamiq.com/) is used to create wireframes. - [Coolors](https://coolors.co/) is used to create the colour scheme palette. - [CSS Validation Service](https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/#validate_by_input) is used to check code ensuring that my CSS is error-free and adheres to the latest web standards. - [DevTools](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools) to help in edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly. - [Diffchecker - text](https://www.diffchecker.com/text-compare/) is used to check code snippets. - [Favicon.io](https://favicon.io/) is used to create favicon. - [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/) is used for the iconography on the website. - [Git](https://git-scm.com/) is used for version control. - [Gitpod](https://gitpod.io) streamlines your development process by providing a pre-configured, cloud-based development environment that's instantly ready for coding. - [Github](https://github.com/) is essential for version control, allowing you to track changes, collaborate with others (if applicable), and secure online code storage. - [Google Dev Tools](https://developers.google.com/web/tools) is used during testing, debugging and styling. - [Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/) is a catalog of free, open-source fonts. Used for typography. - [Heroku](https://www.heroku.com) ia a platform for deploying and hosting web applications. - [Look](https:www.looka.com) ia used for the logo and symbol. - [Markup Validation Service](https://validator.w3.org/) is used to check code ensuring that my HTML is error-free and adheres to the latest web standards. - [NVDA](https://www.nvaccess.org/download/), NonVisual Desktop Access is a free and open-source, portable screen reader for Microsoft Windows. - [Tiny PNG](https://tinypng.com/) is used to compress images. - [UXwing](https://uxwing.com/) is a provider of free icons free for commercial use. - [Wave](https://wave.webaim.org) is a suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities. - [Web Disability Sim](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/web-disability-simulator/olioanlbgbpmdlgjnnampnnlohigkjla) is a google chrome extension that allows you to view your site as people with accessibility needs would see it.

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ ### Testing For the test results and solved issues, we refer to the [TESTING.md file](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/blob/main/TESTING.md).
Known and unsolved issues
- Hashtag Error [BUG#68](https://github.com/JaqiKal/pixavibe-frontend/issues/68): The error indicate that the response data does not contain the expected 'hashtag_ids' field. Instead, the response contains an empty 'hashtags' array. This suggests that the hashtags are not being properly associated with the post. Troubleshooting activities have been undertaken, also by senior developers (tutor support) but solution has not been found yet. The feature has a bug registered in the project's Kanban board and will be revisited in future improvements of the Pixavibe app. To maintain a smooth user experience, the hashtag feature is retained in the codebase, but the multiselect form has been removed from the PostCreateForm and PostEditForm. _**Terminal warning:**_ In Post.js, line 37: we've disabled the ES linting rule for the unused hashtags variable and added a comment indicating that hashtags is intentionally unused for now, referring to documentation for more information. This practice is generally discouraged as it can lead to code that is harder to maintain and understand. In this particular case, the feature is rather isolated and testing indicates nothing else is disrupted in the codebase. We are fully aware that this needs to be resolved before we add more functionality. ![compile-warning](/documentation/readme-image/compile_warning_post_h-tag.webp) - When loading certain pages, 401/400 errors occur due to the absence or expiration of an authorization token, or when invalid form input is provided. These instances include: - Mounting when not logged in - Redirecting a logged-in user away from the sign-up/sign-in page - Submitting a sign-in form without entering a username. Expired access token that is refreshed in the background, leading to eventual success ![x](/documentation/testing_image/401-error.png) - Interface elements that depend on the user's authorization state sometimes fail to load without a page refresh. This behavior is consistent with the course material. - (posts/views.py): django rest framework bug, in the Filter set fields list the Field filters label shows 'Invalid Name'. This behavior is consistent with the course material. ![x](/documentation/testing_image/field-filters-label-invalid-name.png) - **Disclaimer on npm Audit Issues**:
As students, we're not expected to fix the following npm audit errors identified in this project. The listed issues may involve breaking changes, which are beyond the scope of our current work. Here are the identified vulnerabilities: - **ansi-html** (<0.0.8): High severity - Uncontrolled Resource Consumption. - **axios** (0.8.1 - 0.27.2): Moderate severity - Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability. - **braces** (<3.0.3): High severity - Uncontrolled Resource Consumption. - **browserslist** (4.0.0 - 4.16.4): Moderate severity - Regular Expression Denial of Service. - **ejs** (<=3.1.9): Critical severity - Template injection vulnerability. - **glob-parent** (<5.1.2): High severity - Regular Expression Denial of Service. - **immer** (7.0.0 - 9.0.5): Critical severity - Prototype Pollution. - **ip**: High severity - Server-Side Request Forgery. - **loader-utils** (2.0.0 - 2.0.3): Critical severity - Prototype Pollution. - **lodash.template**: High severity - Command Injection. - **minimatch** (<3.0.5): High severity - Regular Expression Denial of Service. - **node-forge** (<=1.2.1): High severity - Prototype Pollution. - **nth-check** (<2.0.1): High severity - Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity. - **postcss** (<8.4.31): Moderate severity - Line return parsing error. - **semver** (7.0.0 - 7.5.1): Moderate severity - Regular Expression Denial of Service. - **shell-quote** (<=1.7.2): Critical severity - Improper Neutralization of Special Elements. - **webpack-dev-middleware** (<=5.3.3): High severity - Path traversal. There are a total of 138 vulnerabilities (1 low, 80 moderate, 49 high, 8 critical).

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ ### Deployment
Version Control
The site was created using the Gitpod editor and pushed to github to the remote repository ‘pixavibe-frontend’. The following git commands were used throughout development to push code to the remote repo: - `git add ` - This command was used to add the file(s) to the staging area before they are committed. - `git commit -m “commit message”` - This command was used to commit changes to the local repository queue ready for the final step. - `git push` - This command was used to push all committed code to the remote repository on github.
#### Heroku Deployment
To deploy the project to Heroku
**Preparing the Application** - Create and add the 'Procfile' to your application's root directory `echo web: node index.js > Procfile`. Heroku relies on this file to determine how to run your application, ensuring the correct setup of your web server. Use commands like web: `gunicorn PROJ_NAME.wsgi` in the 'Procfile' to instruct Heroku on starting your web server with Gunicorn - Ensure you have a requirements.txt file listing all project dependencies. - Set up necessary configuration variables in Heroku setting tab > Config Vars (eg. SECRET_KEY, DATABASE_URL, etc.). - In your app's 'settings.py' add Heroku to ALLOWED_HOSTS **Initial set-up** - Sign up for a [Heroku](https://heroku.com/) account at Heroku's website. - Download and install the Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) to interact with Heroku from your local machine. - Or use Heroku Web interface. **Create Heroku App** - Sign in or sign up to [Heroku](https://heroku.com/). - Click the button that says "Create new app." - Enter a unique app name. - Choose your region from the dropdown menu. - Click the "Create app" button. - Scroll further down on the page, select Add Buildpack. The buildpacks will install further dependencies that are not included in the 'requirements.txt'.
It's crucial to arrange the build packs correctly! First, choose Python and then Node.js. If they're not in this sequence, you can reorder them by dragging. **Deployment** - Deploy by either push your code to Heroku or by connecting your GitHub repository to Heroku or using the Heroku CLI to deploy your application. - (if applicable) Run database migrations using the Heroku CLI. - For deploying this project, we're using GitHub as our method. After choosing GitHub, make sure to confirm the connection. Then, search for your repository name and once Heroku finds your repository - click "connect" - Scroll down to the section "Automatic Deploys". - Click "Enable automatic deploys" or choose "Deploy branch" and manually deploy. - Click "Deploy branch" wait for the app to be built. Once this is done, a message should appear letting us know that the app was successfully deployed. - Click the button "View" to see the app. **Final Steps** - Enable the Web Dyno, make sure the web dyno is up and running after deployment. - Open your application from the Heroku dashboard or using the CLI command heroku open. For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, visit the [official Heroku Dev Center](https://devcenter.heroku.com/).
#### Local Deployment
How to clone:
Cloning a GitHub repository creates a local copy on your machine, allowing you to sync between the two locations. Here are the steps: - Navigate to the GitHub Repository you want to clone to use locally. - Click on the code drop down button. - Click on HTTPS. - Copy the repository link to the clipboard. - Open your IDE of choice (git must be installed for the next steps). - Navigate to the directory where you want the clone to be created. - Type `git clone`, and then paste the URL you copied previously. Press Enter to create your local clone. Install Dependencies: `npm install` Run Application: `npm start`

How to Fork Most commonly, forks are used to either propose changes to someone else's project or to use someone else's project as a starting point for your own idea. In order to protect the main branch while you work on something new, essential when working as part of a team or when you want to experiment with a new feature, you will need to fork a branch. - Log in (or sign up) to Github. - Go to the selected repository. - Click the Fork button in the top right corner and select create a fork. - One can change the name of the fork and add description - Choose to copy only the main branch or all branches to the new fork. - Click Create a Fork. A repository should appear in your GitHub

_[Back to Content](#table-of-contents)_ ### Credits #### Content
List of content
Throughout the development of Pixavibe, we utilized a variety of resources to ensure the platform is robust, user-friendly, and engaging. Below is a list of documentation, blogs, tutorials, and guides that have been instrumental in crafting the features and functionality of Pixavibe: - [Favicon, credited to](https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/photography") Photography icons created by Vactor area- Flaticon - Logo used was created at [Looka](https://looka.com/dashboard) - [React Multiselect dropdown](https://www.npmjs.com/package/multiselect-react-dropdown), this library is used for handling hashtags. It helps keep the codebase cleaner and more maintainable. - [css-validator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/css-validator) together with GPT was used to create `validate-css.js`. It was used to validate CSS. - **Bootstrap**: Used for styling and responsive design, making the site accessible on a variety of devices - [Bootstrap documentation](https://getbootstrap.com/). - **Sources of inspiration and guidance in general**: - This resources is only available to enrolled students at The Code Institute: - The Code Institute Diploma in Full Stack Software Development (Advanced Front-End) Walk-through project Moments (frontend) - [React](https://react.dev/learn) A goto place to learn. - [Django Rest framework](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/) A got place to learn - [Django & React Tutorial](https://youtu.be/JD-age0BPVo?si=vLYojx9J_rD8ZKyU), Tech with Tim, also a goto net source for inspo. - **Testing**: Used to learn how to create test cases - [How to write test cases for Django Rest Framework Applications](https://rajansahu713.medium.com/mastering-the-art-of-django-test-cases-fa7b0322c9fb) - [Django REST framwork, Testing](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/testing/#testingDjango) - [django project, testing](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/testing/) - [Getting started with testing in Python](https://realpython.com/python-testing/) - [Testing in Django (Part 1) – Best Practices and Examples](https://realpython.com/testing-in-django-part-1-best-practices-and-examples/) - [serie of videos - Django Testing Tutorial - What Is Testing?](https://youtu.be/qwypH3YvMKc?si=1OptYFWRajgREWh_) - [Unit Tests in Python || Python Tutorial || Learn Python Programming](https://youtu.be/1Lfv5tUGsn8?si=ZgIDWVjSQqTIUYYK) - [HTTP response status codes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status) are used in test cases to validate that the application is behaving as expected under various conditions.
#### Acknowledgements
I would like to thank!
- My immediate and extended family, as well as my friends, who support and cheer me on! - [Jonathan Zakrisson!](https://github.com/Jonathan97-web/) A very knowledgeable, kind, and helpful man, whose support meant a great deal. Without it, the project would have been in peril of never seeing the light of day! - [Emil Jädersten](https://github.com/EmilionR/), for chairing the Sunday huddle and sharing knowhow, in many ways. - [Jörgen Jonsson](https://github.com/JorgenDIF/JorgenDIF), giving the community his time and energy, and being a cheerful channel-lead & huddle general. - To all engaged fellow students at all channels and a special shout out to #community-sweden! - Code Institutes Tutor Support service, their help has been a source of immense relief when in total panic! Also yet another channel to gain more knowhow from. - My mentor [Jubril Akolade](https://github.com/jubrillionaire/)

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