Jashani / Prolect

Chess in Prolog
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A stunningly made game of chess, all done in Prolog.

Algorithms & Technical Approaches

Those will surely be very good

Requirements & Focus Points

  1. Efficiency, clear comments, clear file structure, proper error handling
  2. Make the heuristics exciting
  3. Allow difficulty levels (probably just depth of search)
  4. GUI somehow
  5. Player vs Computer, that's it (with the option to choose who starts I imagine)

Includes, as Required

  1. Efficiency, clear comments, clear file structure, proper error handling
  2. The heuristics are exciting!
  3. There are difficulty levels, defined by depth, as foretold by legends.
  4. There is GUI, somehow.
  5. Player can play against a computer, and even choose piece colour!
  6. There's an opening repertoire and handling of special moves such as en passant and promotion!
  7. The whole thing is just quite wonderful.