Jasmin-Yap / ICT2x01-p4-1

SiT ICT2x01 Web Portal for Robotics Car
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ID Name Role
2002124 ANG WEI JIE Team Leader, Backend Dev
2001571 JASMIN YAP YI Technical Lead, Full Stack Dev
2001364 THUR YOU FU Full Stack Dev
2000860 MUHAMMAD NUR AFNAN BIN ABDUL RAHIM Backend Dev, Robotic Car Dev
2001615 ARIEF IRFAN BIN ZULFA Frontend Dev

Installing Dependencies

This project runs on python Flask. For ease of installation, all required packages are listed in requirements.txt.

To install the packages, pip is used. If you do not have pip, please install it before continuing, you can find how to install pip here.

Use the command below to install the packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to run

  1. Navigate to the Web-Portal directory in your choise of console (i.e. command prompt, powershell, etc)
  2. Enter the commands below to run the flask program:
    set FLASK_APP=server.py
    flask run

    Development Workflow

    Feature Branches

  3. Create a new branch based on dev. Naming Convention: feature/\<feature name>
  4. Develop on feature branch
  5. When ready to merge with dev, pull from dev to get the latest updates and resolve any conflicts
  6. After updating branch, open a pull request and request review from Technical Lead.
    • If the request originates from Jasmin, request review from any other team member.
  7. Reviewer to check if:
    1. Code is logical
    2. Program can be run without errors
    3. New changes do not "break" other features
  8. If changes requested:
    1. Make changes according to review comments, clarify if unsure.
    2. Test
    3. Push code to remote branch
    4. Inform reviewer that changes have been completed
  9. If pull request is approved, Technical Lead will merge pull request to dev branch.
  10. All team members to update their respective branches to match dev

Integration Branch

Only one integration branch can be created.

Dev Branch

Only one dev branch can be created

Main Branch (Master)

Only one main branch can be created

Blackbox Testing: User Acceptance Testing

Blackbox Testing Video

Please find the video of blackbox test execution here → https://youtu.be/wo8pbCe2cAM

How is the test executed?

Our Blackbox testing is done based on functional testing. This means that we will go through the web application to test on the functional requirements. We based our tests on the test cases we have made on M2. To have a better flow and idea of the Blackbox testing, we have made an updated test case table. The steps are elaborated through in the video.

Updated Test Cases

Testcase ID Description Pre-condition Expected Result
1 Navigate to web portal In a web browser Observe the connection page up and running.
2 Input for establishing connection In connection page Correct input should allow entry to dashboard, while wrong input should display an error message on specified field.
3 Establish a connection In connection page Entering the dashboard page. Being able to observe the dashboard.
4 Navigate through all pages In dashboard page Navigate through the dashboard smoothly.
5 Data on dashboard (empty) In dashboard page Observe the dashboard with no data shown or set to 0 accordingly.
6 Send Instructions to Robotic Car In dashboard page Able to send instructions through the control panel by dragging & dropping and clicking of the buttons accordingly.
7 Data on dashboard (filled/not-empty) In dashboard page Observe the data changes on the dashboard page.
8 Creating a maze In maze creator page Able to click on the maze creation sections and create a maze when all requirements are fulfilled (Having a start point, line trail and an end point). Error message shown when maze creation lacks any requirement.
9 Viewing the scoreboard In scoreboard page View the scoreboard with the least amount of moves as the top score. View the different scores based on the maze.
10 Ending the connection and closing web portal In any page with the side menu bar shown Observe return to connection page, exiting the page in pre-condition.

Whitebox Testing: Token Controller

Why Token Controller?

Token Controller generates and verifies the token needed to access the internal pages of the web portal.

When the connection to the Robotic Car is established, a token is generated by the Token Controller before directing the user to the dashboard page. Navigating to any page (excluding the connection page), will trigger a check to see if the token exists. If it does not exist, the user will be redirected back to the connection page. If it does exist, the user will be directed to the page they navigated to.

The token is also used to verify responses (acknowledgments) and data sent from the Robotic Car.

How is the test executed?

The test is done in two parts. The first is automated using unittest and tests the function calls of the Token Controller. The second part is done manually by verifying the redirect on the web portal when navigating using URL paths.


The file used for the test can be found here → https://github.com/Jasmin-Yap/ICT2x01-p4-1/blob/main/Web-Portal/token_test.py

Execution of automated whitebox testing: code coverage

A Code coverage report was generated for the automated part of the test: code coverage

Files Involved


  1. https://github.com/Jasmin-Yap/ICT2x01-p4-1/blob/main/Web-Portal/token_test.py
  2. https://github.com/Jasmin-Yap/ICT2x01-p4-1/blob/main/Web-Portal/models/token.py
  3. https://github.com/Jasmin-Yap/ICT2x01-p4-1/blob/main/Web-Portal/controllers/token_controller.py


  4. https://github.com/Jasmin-Yap/ICT2x01-p4-1/blob/main/Web-Portal/controllers/dashboard_controller.py → Lines 32-33 and 45-46
  5. https://github.com/Jasmin-Yap/ICT2x01-p4-1/blob/main/Web-Portal/controllers/maze_controller.py → Lines 77-78
  6. https://github.com/Jasmin-Yap/ICT2x01-p4-1/blob/main/Web-Portal/controllers/scoreboard_controller.py → Lines 80-81

Whitebox Testing Execution

Please find the video of whitebox test execution here → https://youtu.be/bYw37OdO3Rs