JasonAlt / GridFTP-DSI-for-HPSS

GridFTP module that allows the Globus server to work with HPSS
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GridFTP-DSI-for-HPSS is a Globus Connect Server Connector which allows HPSS administrators to create Globus Endpoints for HPSS installations.

Release Notes

None at this time. New issues will appear here before being incorporated into the official documentation.

Verified HPSS Versions

Although this connector supports all HPSS versions 7.3 and higher, I can only verify functionality for HPSS distributions on OS releases that I have access to.


If you are an admin planning to install the HPSS connector for production use, go to the official docs for the most recent installation instructions.

RPMs are provided for HPSS/OS versions for sites that have graciously provided me with development access. Check the release page for RPMs for your HPSS/OS versions. If no RPM is avialable for your configuration, you'll need to build the RPM as described below. Please consider making development resources available for your configuration so that I can provide RPMs as part of the release cycle.

Building RPMs for your OS and HPSS Versions

RPM building and development require these packages:

I highly recommend building the RPM from source distributions available on the release page. Download the source for the latest release, extracts its contents then from within the source directory build the RPM:

$ make -f Makefile.bootstrap release


$ git clean -f -d -x
$ make -f Makefile.bootstrap develop

To see recent changes to the code base, see the ChangeLog.

Tracking Issues

All features and fixes to this repository require a tracking GitHub issue if the change is worthy of discussion, if it is a notable or sizable change or if the change requires external tracking (ex. tracked in GitHub projects or for communication with collaborators or external users).

Submitting Changes

Fork the repository to your private GitHub account, make changes there and then require a pull request against the appropriate prelease branch. The commit message should include the issue number and summary, the closes or fixes keywords, and briefly describe any notable changes not worth of discussion in the tracking GitHub issue. Do not be overly verbose; git diff will give future devs the details, no need to be redundant. Each pull request should include only a single large change. Multiple minor changes may be grouped into a single pull request. Consider breaking large feature updates into multiple pull requests submitted over time during development.

All notable changes should be recorded in the ChangeLog.

Branching Strategy

The master branch contains the latest stable version and is always releasable code. Features and fixes should follow the naming scheme issue/<id> where <id> is the tracking GitHub issue number. If the issue does not warrent a tracking GitHub issue, you can name the branch however you like within your own forked copy of the repository. New branches should fork the master or prelease branch as appropriate. Pull requests should be submitted against the target prelease branch. The master branch will be fast-forward-merged once the prelease is known to be stable and ready for release.

Tagging Strategy

All stable releases are tagged Version_<major>_<minor>_<release> on master. Prereleases use Prerelease_<major>_<minor>_<release> as the release tag. Historically, this repository did not use <release> versioning; just assume that to have a value of 1 when no release value is given.

Release Process