JasonBock / WebAssembly.Generators

Source generators for the WebAssembly package.
MIT License
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A package to generate code based on the WebAssembly package.


You can install it from NuGet here.


To use it, you add an <AdditionalFile> entry into your C# project file to reference a .wasm file:

<AdditionalFiles Include="collatz.wasm" ClassName="CollatzTest" Namespace="GeneratedCollatz" />

The ClassName and Namespace properties are optional. If you don't specify ClassName, the generator will use the name of the file as the name of the class that contains the exported functions (if imports exist, that class name will be appended with Imports). Namespace allows you to specify a namespace for the generated classes - if it's not provided, they will exist in the global namespace.

The exported class will also have a static Create() method that will create an instance for you:

using var collatz = CollatzTest.Create();

If the module defined imports, Create() will require an object that implements the generated import class:

var callbacks = new CollatzImports();
using var collatzImports = CollatzWithCallbackTest.Create(callbacks);
Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", callbacks.Numbers));

public sealed class CollatzImports 
  : CollatzWithCallbackTestImports
  public override void collatzCallback(int a0) => this.Numbers.Add(a0);

  public List<int> Numbers { get; } = new();

Project Layout

Here's a brief description of the projects. Note that this will probably change over time.