JasonEtco / ci-reporter

🚧📝 GitHub App to show CI failure logs in PR comments
ISC License
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Semaphore CI support #53

Open TheRedSpy15 opened 5 years ago

TheRedSpy15 commented 5 years ago

Semaphore is one of the top CI services, and I think it would make a great addition

JasonEtco commented 5 years ago

Sure @TheRedSpy15! Would you be open to opening a PR adding it?

TheRedSpy15 commented 5 years ago

@JasonEtco Unfortunately, I won't be able to

I have zero experience with JavaScript sadly (planning on learning it soon)

But I thought I would at least suggest the idea

JasonEtco commented 5 years ago

No worries, that's fine! I have no familiarity with Semaphore, so it'll take me a bit of time to get the hang of their API. I don't have the bandwidth to do this right now either. I'll update here if I do get to it soon!

nathanielbatesprosser commented 5 years ago

Don't ingage . Warning