JasonEtco / ci-reporter

🚧📝 GitHub App to show CI failure logs in PR comments
ISC License
48 stars 11 forks source link


A GitHub App built with Probot that pastes the error output of a failing commit into the relevant PR

Build Status Codecov Greenkeeper enabled

## Usage Simply [install the app](https://github.com/apps/ci-reporter) and watch the magic happen as your Pull Requests trigger failure statuses.

ci-reporter commenting on a PR with failed build log

## How it works When a build fails, the CI provider will tell GitHub (via a status). GitHub then tells **ci-reporter** about a failed status, and it'll find the part of the build that failed, then comment back on the PR. ## Configuration You don't need any configuration for this to work in your project but you can customize a few things to fit your needs. You can create a `.github/ci-reporter.yml` file: ```yml # Set to false to create a new comment instead of updating the app's first one updateComment: true # Use a custom string, or set to false to disable before: "✨ Good work on this PR so far! ✨ Unfortunately, the [{{ provider }} build]({{ targetUrl }}) is failing as of {{ commit }}. Here's the output:" # Use a custom string, or set to false to disable after: "I'm sure you can fix it! If you need help, don't hesitate to ask a maintainer of the project!" ``` If you need more configuration, please [let me know in a new issue](https://github.com/JasonEtco/ci-reporter/issues/new?title=[Config]&body=Can%20you%20please%20add%20the%20___%20config%20option). ## Does it work with _____? **ci-reporter** currently supports TravisCI and CircleCI. If you're interested in seeing support for another CI tool, please [open an issue](https://github.com/JasonEtco/ci-reporter/issues/new)! ## Contributing So glad you want to contribute! If you're looking to help with a new feature, please open an issue to discuss it first. If you're helping fix a bug, let me know! Check out [the contributing docs](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details.