JasonGiedymin / Holobot

Early experiment of vm automation
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Here lies a dead project, but a wonderful learning experiment and discussion.

It was an experiment with Docker, coreos, and vagrant, taking automation to the extreme.

Through time, it morphed and many problems were surfaced. For example, a common developement platform (solved by vagrant), slow platform, reliance on alpha code (coreos, docker), vagrant/provider issues, and application deployment consistencies between development and production deployment.

Most of the work in this project was done in 15-20 min sessions as most of the devs on this project work full time. Keep that in mind as you read the code, and peruse the docs.

This project was a good discussion on the above topics, and it also lead us to start on another which I may open source as well in the very near future.

That project also came with issues, but solved many of the ones we saw here.


The quickstart is divided into three parts.

  1. install dependencies
  2. cloning the repo
  3. proceeding to the getting started section


# VirtualBox
# Install version 4.2.18
# https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads or
# https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Download_Old_Builds_4_2
# Note that you may encounter weird problems with guest additions
# depending on what version of VirtualBox you use.

# Vagrant
# Install version v1.3.4
# http://downloads.vagrantup.com/tags/v1.3.4

# Install NVM aka (Node Version Manager) https://github.com/creationix/nvm
NODEJS_LATEST=$(nvm ls-remote | tail -n1)
nvm install $NODEJS_LATEST # installs the latest if not installed

# Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager)
# Install the latest 1.9.x or 2.0.x branch
rvm install --default $HOLOBOT_RUBY
# Use that ruby
rvm use --default $HOLOBOT_RUBY

# If ever you get into gem dependency issues
# go ahead and delete the ruby version entirely
# and re-install
rvm uninstall $HOLOBOT_RUBY
rvm install --default $HOLOBOT_RUBY

gem install berkshelf bundler

Execute the following

git clone git@github.com:JasonGiedymin/Holobot.git
git submodule update --init

# The following git alias provides
# a simple command to delete submodules easily via: 
#     git rms ./path/to/some/submodule
git config alias.rms "!f(){ git rm --cached \"$1\";rm -r \"$1\";git config -f .gitmodules --remove-section \"submodule.$1\";git config -f .git/config --remove-section \"submodule.$1\";git add .gitmodules; }; f"


Execute the following to install only dependencies

rake install:deps

Execute the following to do a full install (which does the above implicitly)

rake install:auto

Next see the wiki Getting Started

HoloBot Parts

  1. apps
  2. docs (replaced with wiki)
  3. wiki - as a submodule, remember to do an init
  4. scripts - automated scripts
  5. vagrant-boxes - vagrant boxes
    • base-boxes - all the base boxes which we base off or create
    • holobot-dev - Vagrant box spec via Vagrantfile

We use vagrant to spin up VMs which host Holobot, a distributed docker management plane built on CoreOS.


  1. Trello is tied to the repo for quick push/pull/merged list visability.