JasonN3 / build-container-installer

Creates an ISO for installing a container image as an OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Build Container Installer Action

This action is used to generate an ISO for installing an OSTree stored in a container image. This utilizes the anaconda command ostreecontainer


This action is designed to be called from a GitHub workflow using the following format

- name: Build ISO
  uses: jasonn3/build-container-installer@main
  id: build
    arch: ${{ env.ARCH}}
    image_name: ${{ env.IMAGE_NAME}}
    image_repo: ${{ env.IMAGE_REPO}}
    image_tag: ${{ env.IMAGE_TAG }}
    version: ${{ env.VERSION }}
    variant: ${{ env.VARIANT }}
    iso_name: ${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}-${{ env.IMAGE_TAG }}-${{ env.VERSION }}.iso

# This example is for uploading your ISO as a Github artifact. You can do something similar using any cloud storage, so long as you copy the output
- name: Upload ISO as artifact
  id: upload
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
    name: ${{ steps.build.outputs.iso_name }}
    path: |
      ${{ steps.build.outputs.iso_path }}
      ${{ steps.build.outputs.iso_path }}-CHECKSUM
    if-no-files-found: error
    retention-days: 0
    compression-level: 0

See Customizing for information about customizing the ISO that gets created using with


The following variables can be used to customize the created ISO.


Variable Description Default Value Action Container/Makefile
additional_templates Space delimited list of additional Lorax templates to include [empty] :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
arch Architecture for image to build x86_64 :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
enrollment_password Used for supporting secure boot (requires SECURE_BOOT_KEY_URL to be defined) container-installer :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
extra_boot_params Extra params used by grub to boot the anaconda installer [empty] :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
flatpak_remote_name Name of the Flatpak repo on the destination OS flathub :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
flatpak_remote_refs Space separated list of flatpak refs to install [empty] :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
flatpak_remote_refs_dir Directory that contains files that list the flatpak refs to install [empty] :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
flatpak_remote_url URL of the flatpakrepo file https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
image_name Name of the source container image base :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
image_repo Repository containing the source container image quay.io/fedora-ostree-desktops :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
image_signed Whether the container image is signed. The policy to test the signing must be configured inside the container image true :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
image_src Overrides the source of the container image. Must be formatted for the skopeo copy command [empty] :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
image_tag Tag of the source container image VERSION :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
iso_name Name of the ISO you wish to output when completed build/deploy.iso :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
make_target Overrides the default make target ISO_NAME-Checksum :white_check_mark: :x:
repos List of repo files for Lorax to use /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
rootfs_size The size (in GiB) for the squashfs runtime volume 2 :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
secure_boot_key_url Secure boot key that is installed from URL location** [empty] :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
variant Source container variant* Server :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
version Fedora version of installer to build 39 :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
web_ui Enable Anaconda WebUI (experimental) false :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

*Available options for VARIANT can be found by running dnf provides system-release. Variant will be the third item in the package name. Example: fedora-release-kinoite-39-34.noarch will be kinoite

** If you need to reference a local file, you can use file://*path*


Variable Description Usage
iso_name The name of the resulting .iso ${{ steps.YOUR_ID_FOR_ACTION.outputs.iso_name }}
iso_path The name and path of the resulting .iso ${{ steps.YOUR_ID_FOR_ACTION.outputs.iso_name }}

For outputs, see example above.



The Makefile contains all commands that are run the action. There are separate targets for each file generated, however make can be used to generate the final image and make clean can be used to clean up the workspace. The resulting ISO will be stored in the build directory.

You can use make install-deps to install the required packages.

See Customizing for information about customizing the ISO that gets created. All variables should be specified in CAPITALIZED form.


A container with make install-deps already run is provided at ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest

To use the container file, run docker run --privileged --volume .:/build-container-installer/build ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest.

This will create an ISO with the baked in defaults of the container image. The resulting file will be called deploy.iso

See Customizing for information about customizing the ISO that gets created. All variables should be specified in CAPITALIZED form. Examples:

Building an ISO to install Fedora 38

docker run --rm --privileged --volume .:/build-container-installer/build  ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest VERSION=38 IMAGE_NAME=base IMAGE_TAG=38 VARIANT=Server

Building an ISO to install Fedora 39

docker run --rm --privileged --volume .:/build-container-installer/build  ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest VERSION=39 IMAGE_NAME=base IMAGE_TAG=39 VARIANT=Server

VSCode Dev Container

There is a dev container configuration provided for development. By default, it will use the existing container image available at ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest. However, you can have it build a new image by editing .devcontainer/devcontainer.json and replacing image with build. Ctrl+/ can be used to comment and uncomment blocks of code within VSCode.

The code from VSCode will be available at /workspaces/build-container-installer once the container has started.

Privileged is required for access to loop devices for lorax.

Use existing container image:

  "name": "Existing Image",
- "build": {
-   "context": "..",
-   "dockerfile": "../Containerfile",
-  "args": {
-     "version": "39"
-   }
- },
+ "image": "ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest",
  "overrideCommand": true,
  "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
  "privileged": true

Build a new container image:

  "name": "New Image",
+ "build": {
+   "context": "..",
+   "dockerfile": "../Containerfile",
+   "args": {
+     "version": "39"
+   }
+ },
- "image": "ghcr.io/jasonn3/build-container-installer:latest",
  "overrideCommand": true,
  "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
  "privileged": true

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