JasonPekos / TuringPosteriorDB.jl

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Ok, here's the current rundown:


Models are in src/models. Each model has it's own manifest.toml and project.toml, but is not currently wrapped in any sort of struct to handle conditioning. I don't think I fully understand the benefit of that yet.


I wrote a quick wrapper function in src/helper-functions/benchmarking-functions.jl that feels way too hacky to keep. But it seems to work right now. This function takes a posterior identifier, e.g. Rate_1_data-Rate_1_model, and then runs the TuringBenchmarking.jl suite for the corresponding Turing model.



now works, e.g.:


will find the Turing model, find the data, fit the model with NUTS() (need to add some options here), and then return the samples.

As does the equivalent Stan function:



Nothing yet

Notes on Models

Model Notes
Rate_5_model AD Broken for posterior predictive checks
Rate_4_model AD Broken for posterior predictive checks
Kilpisjarvi Check for divergences and correctness -- large variance in sample mean for both Stan and Turing

Actually all the transformed parameter models are broken.