LPMX, i.e, Local Package Manager X, is a pure rootless composable container system. It helps researchers run genome analysis tools via existing Docker or Singularity (experimental) images without root/sudo privilege required. Besides, researchers can benefit from composability, e.g. allowing one to write a pipeline consisting tools from different containers.
In bioinformatics, Bioconda is a repository containing popular bioinformatics tools and allows users to install binaries of these tools rather than compiling them from scratch. But conflicting tools (requiring conflicting dependencies, e.g. Python2 & Python3) inside a genome analysis pipeline can not be set up successfully because Bioconda can not install them inside a single namespace. For example, Manta still requires Python2, so installing a pipeline consisting of Manta and other Python3-based tools will fail. Bioconda moved the burden of resolving the dependency hell from users to developers. But we need to further eliminate the burden for developers. Container virtualization can solve this problem by isolating each tool into a container.
Singularity, a popular tool for container virtualization in science, is getting more and more popular recently. However, Singularity lacks composability. For example, we have a GATK container and a minimap2 container (both of which are created by somebody else than us), if we want to containerize a custom pipeline utilizing the existing containers, we need to write a substantial amount of code to bridge the custom pipeline and the containers (GATK & minimap2).
To this end, LPMX provides composability. With LPMX, we can compose existing container images to create a custom pipeline container without writing a large amount of glue code.
Besides, you can directly use existing Docker and Singularity images with LPMX without root privilege, which is safe and convenient. You can also install software inside containers as you commonly do on your laptop.
All following commands use Ubuntu 18.04 as host OS.
1. Install LPMX
# for x86_64 binary
$ wget -O lpmx https://github.com/JasonYangShadow/lpmx/blob/master/build/linux/x86_64/Linux-x86_64-lpmx?raw=true
$ chmod a+x lpmx && ./lpmx init
2. Download Docker Image and Run
# download common Linux distro from Docker hub
$ ./lpmx docker download ubuntu:16.04
# echo hello world
$ ./lpmx docker fastrun ubuntu:16.04 "echo 'hello world'"
3. Try minimap2
# download common genomic analysis tools from Docker hub
$ ./lpmx docker download evolbioinfo/minimap2:v2.17
# run minimap2
$ mkdir -p $PWD/share
$ wget -O $PWD/share/human.fa https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lh3/minimap2/master/test/MT-human.fa
$ wget -O $PWD/share/orang.fa https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lh3/minimap2/master/test/MT-orang.fa
$ ./lpmx docker fastrun -v $PWD/share=/share evolbioinfo/minimap2:v2.17 "minimap2 -a /share/human.fa /share/orang.fa > /share/minimap2.sam"
$ ls -al $PWD/share
4. Compose different containers
# download Docker image with old versions of minimap & samtools
$ ./lpmx docker download jasonyangshadow/example:1
# show version info of old minimap & samtools
$ ./lpmx docker fastrun jasonyangshadow/example:1 "minimap -V"
$ ./lpmx docker fastrun jasonyangshadow/example:1 "samtools"
# create minimap2 container
$ ./lpmx docker create -n minimap2 -v $PWD/share=/share evolbioinfo/minimap2:v2.17
# exit the newly created container
$root exit
# get container id
$ container_id=`./lpmx list -n minimap2 | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $1}}'`
# expose minimap2 to make it available to host and other containers
$ ./lpmx expose -i $container_id -n minimap2 -p /usr/local/bin/minimap2
$ ls -al $PWD/bin/minimap2
# replace old version of minimap with newer minimap2 and keep using old version of original samtools
$ ./lpmx docker fastrun -v $PWD/share=/share -m $PWD/bin/minimap2=/usr/bin/minimap jasonyangshadow/example:1 "minimap '-V'"
$ ./lpmx docker fastrun -v $PWD/share=/share -m $PWD/bin/minimap2=/usr/bin/minimap jasonyangshadow/example:1 "minimap '-a /share/human.fa /share/orang.fa > /share/test.sam'"
$ ./lpmx docker fastrun -v $PWD/share=/share jasonyangshadow/example:1 "samtools view -S -b /share/test.sam > /share/test.bam"
$ ls -al $PWD/share
5. Try GPGPU
# if you can run nvidia-smi on the host, then you can easily get access GPGPU inside container with a simple command
$ FAKECHROOT_USE_SYS_LIB=true ./lpmx docker fastrun -m /usr/bin/nvidia-smi=/usr/bin/nvidia-smi ubuntu:16.04 "nvidia-smi"
That's it!
For all other command details, please check wiki
Genome analysis tools are often difficult to install due to their complex dependencies and conflicts. Container virtualization systems such as Dockera and Singularity can help researchers install tools by isolating tools. However, they lack composability, an easy way to integrate multiple tools in different containers or multiple tools in a container and a host, which was an obstacle to benefit from container systems in research. An example is that tools that require distributed computing are not straightforward to be containerized. Another example is that a pipeline container integrating different tools or versions is difficult to build from existing containers.
The below video shows how to dynamically inject applications inside other LPMX containers into a current running LPMX container, you can see that even though applications, e.g. bwa, samtools, are not installed inside the currently running container, you can still inject them easily if they are already created via LPMX. This will greatly help integrate existing containers without repeated creation.
And a gif showing injecting an exposed samtool into another container
Below is a basic demo of using LPMX:
./lpmx list -n name
./lpmx docker download ubuntu:16.04
./lpmx docker create -v /host_path=/container_path -n name ubuntu:16.04
./lpmx destroy container_id(which can be found by calling list command #1)
./lpmx resume container_id(which can be found by calling list command #1)
If you are interested in LPMX and want an online tutorial session, please fill in this Online Tutorial Request Form, I will contact you. (English will be used).:w
Yang, X., Kasahara, M. LPMX: a pure rootless composable container system. BMC Bioinformatics 23, 112 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-022-04649-3