Jay-ArBrouillard / Tournament-Bracket-Generator

C# WPF Tournament Bracket Generator
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General Requirements (Some have question marks because they need a group decision to made for them): 1.) Tracks games played and their outcomes 2.) Multiple competitors play in the tournament (either as an individual or as a team) 3.) Schedule games -If the tournament is just a single elimination for example can a game from the second round be played before the first is completed? 4.) Handles all basic types of tournaments? (single elimination, double elimination, round robin, multilevel, or extended) 5.) Handles a variable number of players in a tournament (apply byes where necessary) 6.) What should the ordering of who plays each other be? (random, order of input?) 7.) Store the data on PHPMyAdmin (Also store on a text file as backup?) 8.) Handles entry fees, prizes, seeds, or other payouts? 9.) Method of notifying teams of their games? (Email, text?) 10.) Who can report wins and losses? (Anyone, admin, users?)