Jaycadox / Graphpad-Patcher

GraphPad 10.0.2 patcher/crack
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GraphPad Prism 10.0.2 (232) patcher/crack

Click here to download

Crack instructions

  1. Run Graphpad-Patcher.exe either before GraphPad is open, or during. Graphpad-Patcher.exe will automatically open GraphPad if it's not running.
  2. Given the patching was successful. Click Serial Number (Machine Licenses) in the Activation modal.
  3. You can then type anything in the Serial number input, but there is a character limit before you can click Next Step.
  4. Ignore the Machine ID screen, and just click Enter activation code
  5. Type anything into the Activation code input. (Note: you must fill the box with characters until it almost reaches the Paste button, else the program will crash). Agree to the terms then click Start using Prism
  6. You will then be prompted to type a First name, Last name, and Email. You need to fill these inputs but you can use garbage data and click OK.
  7. You'll then get an error saying there is a connectivity issue, click Continue
  8. Enjoy :D
