JazzleWare / jazzle-parser

relatively small and ridiculously fast parser for all versions of ECMAScript/Javascript, written in the greatest common divisor of all versions of ECMAScript
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link
acorn acorn-alternative alternative ast buble compatibility compiler ecmascript ecmascript-syntax ecmascript6 embedded esprima-alternative estree fast javascript low-power mobile-web parser performance syntax-tree

jazzle (a.k.a jsRube)

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/JazzleWare/jazzle-parser A small, simple, and ridiculously fast parser for all versions of ECMAScript/Javascript, written in plain ECMAScript3, on which I have been working on and off since September 2015, under codename 'lube'.

A bug in v8 (and consequently in node) made it very difficult to run on node versions 5 and below. The bug has been resolved, and it now runs smoothly (and fater than any other parser I know of) in node v6.2.0+. Please bear this notice in mind while trying to use this parser.


It always records the location data, range data, and raw value of every node, and still it parses jQuery-1.4.2 2x or 3.5x faster than esprima 2.7.2, depending, respectively, on whether the latter doesn't record the location/ranges or it does. Funnily enough, it does all the above while keeping track of as much early errors as I could find in the spec.

It is almost completely esprima-compatible (except when things get annoying, in which case it is acorn-compatible).


Using in the browser

Include the file ./dist/jazzle.js in a <script> tag. It exposes the Parser constructor, and parse utility function. One use case could be:

var code = 'sample(code);';
var result;

result = new Parser(code, false).parseProgram();

// or alternatively
result = parse(code, false)

NOTE in ES versions before ES2015, any given source was treated as a 'script'; in ES2015 and above, this is not the case anymore -- sources can be parsed as scripts and as modules. You have to explicitly tell the parser if you want it to parse your code as a 'module' rather than a 'script' by sending the value true as the second argument to the Parser constructor or the parse method:

var code = 'import * as a from "l"';
// please note the `true` there; it tells the parser to treat the code as module code;
// because `import`s are module-specific source elements, 
var result = new Parser(code, /*-->*/true/*<--*/).parseProgram(); 


In jazzle repository's root, run the build script, i.e., ./builder/run.js;

node ./builder/run.js

It bundles the sources under the 'src' directory in to a single file, to be found under dist/jazzle.js. It also runs a self-test after bundling is complete; the parser should only be used if the test stage passes without any errors.

Quick Testing

Even though a thorough test is performed during the build process (that is, while building via ./builder/run.js), quick tests occasionally come in handy. To run quick tests, do:

node ./test/run.js


Before beginning to run a benchmark, make sure you have 'esprima', 'acorn', and 'benchmark' packages installed; if it is not the case, install them this way:

npm install esprima@latest
npm install acorn@latest
npm install benchmark@latest

Then run the actual benchmarking facility this way:

node ./bench/run.js

This will feed the corpus located under sources into each parser, asks them to parse each file while recording node location data, collects the timings for each parser, and prints the results.

Using jazzle via npm


npm install jazzle


var jazzle = require( 'jazzle' );
console.log( jazzle.parse('var v = "hi !";') );