To Install, copy the neccesary scripts and html documents into a folder of your web server.
Demo at
Concept video available at:
Many of the files are for storing IP addresses, requiring SQLite.
Icons from Glyphicons, as integrated into Bootstrap 3.0
Charts: Used Flotcharts
Misc. Notes
- There's some REALLY weird things to do with .htaccess files in order to rewrite "astext.php" as "astext.txt". Config will need to address that; it's currently just optimized for our current location.
When using, create a config.php file which includes this:
define("GG_HOST", "your mysql host");
define("GG_DATABASE", "your mysql database");
define("GG_TABLE", "your mysql table containing workouts");
define("GG_SEASONS", "your mysql table containing season info");
define("GG_PREFIX", "gg_ (or similar)");
define("GG_USERNAME", "username to your mysql database");
define("GG_PASSWORD", "password to your mysql database");
function gg_get_pdo()
return new PDO("mysql:host=" . GG_HOST . ";dbname=" . GG_DATABASE, GG_USERNAME, GG_PASSWORD );
Current functions
- Add workouts
- Edit workouts
- Delete workouts
- Weekly Mileage
- Seasons (incomplete)
- Order by week
- SQLite database/table for seasons
- Remove seasons
- Seasons are week-based!
- auto add mileage
- Incomplete Ajax loading
Todo + Ideas
Bold indicates that an item is being worked on.
- Emoticons
- NEED TO WORK ON: Finish flotrackr upload & parse
- Safe, secure, multi-user system!!
- Auto-add total mileage
- Set seasons with auto-adding mileage (Summer Training, Track season, Winter Training, Cross Country) dev
- UI for editing seasons
- Perhaps a larger interface for editing
- JS shorten title so it won't overflow in the list
- Modularize (so you don't have a single 25kb php file containing all html, css, php, javascript, sql, etc)
- Weekly Mileage
- Sort by distance, time, avg. pace, date, etc.
- something like this for displaying mileage per day
- bar charts for miles run on mon, tues, wed, etc.
- charts for miles etc. Include seasons in it?
- Daily Mileage
- Group workouts that happen on the same day, so you can input your 3 mile tempo seperately from the 5 miles of easy running.
- Date auto-fill:
- Allow future dates, or allow inputting dates.
- Calendars?
- Mobile version / Redesign to appear the same on all browsers
- boostrap seems to change based on your browser
- sometimes the words on buttons get cut off on some browsers
- the save, cancel, delete buttons while editing sometimes roll over to a new line [ iphone ]
- fluid layout (w. percentages) ?
- Redo navbar
- Redo "New Workout" button
- Improve Weekly Mileage interface
- Option to hide notes
- Routes (since a 10 mile glider port is easier than 10 mile PQ canyon)
- redo SQLite database to allow routes to be associated with runs
- new SQLite database storing routes
- Sharing routes between users
- PRs (also add PRs on distances)
- Allow creation of routes
- Auto-distances for routes using Javascript
- don't load everything at once - only show 30 or so workouts at a time ??
- revamp to have ajax - and autoscroll stuff, so you don't have to press the button every time
- Use JQuery instead of javascript?
- Prevent re-submitting when reloading the page?
- Add functionality for users (however, it would probably be better to get the demo working first before switching everything over to users)
- Set goals (daily, weekly, season-ly, yearly)
- update primary SQLite database to include a location for goals
- distance goal
- time goal
- goal notes
- Coach account?
- can view all student accounts
- students can type in code to become a coach's student
- can send out goals
- Rankings between users (distance, speed, improvement)
- Specify races vs workouts
- addtl. column in primary SQLite table for type of run
- editable run types
- preset run types
- Download / export
- basic .txt doc
- PDF export / printing
- in js or php or perl
- privacy settings
- Switch to PDO functions instead of sqlite_exec and sqlite_query
- Perhaps some kind of auto-loading weather
- Set location
- Set weight
- calculate calories burned (0.8 * lbs * miles)
- Configure page
- Remember date that workout was submitted
- Holidays?
- Color coding mileages
- miles/km, lbs/kg
- MySQL version
- No stray escape characters when editing a post with quotation marks.
Parts of the user system
- Login screen
- Navbar changes depending on whether you're logged in
- Profile pictures:
- Limit who can see profile pictures: probably with some php linked with .htaccess
- Hash/password and all that great stuff
- User permissions
- User friends, and who can see who's activity
- Settings for your account (who can see what, your profile picture)
- Which groups you're in.
- We can either store this all in the _seasons or whatever table, or in the big user-table.