Jean-Zombie / cookiecutter-django-wagtail

Cookiecutter Django + Wagtail
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
71 stars 14 forks source link
cookiecutter cookiecutter-template django docker python python3 wagtail

Cookiecutter Django Wagtail

Build Status Documentation Status Code style: black

Powered by Cookiecutter, Cookiecutter-Django-Wagtail is a fork of the awesome Cookiecutter Django combined with Wagtail.


Optional Integrations

These features can be enabled during initial project setup.


Support Cookiecutter Django!

The upstream of this repo, i.e. Cookiecutter Django, is run by volunteers. Please support them in their efforts to maintain and improve Cookiecutter Django:


Instead of using Wagtail’s :code:start command you will use Cookiecutter to set up your project. Cookiecutter will prompt you for some technical and administrative question like your name, email, and various configuration issues.

First, get Cookiecutter:

$ pip install "cookiecutter>=2.1.1"

Now run it against this repo:

$ cookiecutter

You'll be prompted for some values. Provide them, then a Django project will be created for you.

Answer the prompts with your own desired options. For example:

Cloning into 'cookiecutter-django'...
remote: Counting objects: 550, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (310/310), done.
remote: Total 550 (delta 283), reused 479 (delta 222)
Receiving objects: 100% (550/550), 127.66 KiB | 58 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (283/283), done.
project_name [My Awesome Project]: Reddit Clone
project_slug [reddit_clone]: reddit
description [Behold My Awesome Project!]: A reddit clone.
author_name [Daniel Roy Greenfeld]: Daniel Greenfeld
domain_name []:
email []:
version [0.1.0]: 0.0.1
Select open_source_license:
1 - MIT
2 - BSD
3 - GPLv3
4 - Apache Software License 2.0
5 - Not open source
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [1]: 1
timezone [UTC]: America/Los_Angeles
windows [n]: n
use_pycharm [n]: y
use_docker [n]: n
Select postgresql_version:
1 - 14
2 - 13
3 - 12
4 - 11
5 - 10
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [1]: 1
Select cloud_provider:
1 - AWS
2 - GCP
3 - None
Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]: 1
Select mail_service:
1 - Mailgun
2 - Amazon SES
3 - Mailjet
4 - Mandrill
5 - Postmark
6 - Sendgrid
7 - SendinBlue
8 - SparkPost
9 - Other SMTP
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 [1]: 1
use_async [n]: n
Select frontend_pipeline:
1 - None
2 - Django Compressor
3 - Gulp
4 - Webpack
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4 [1]: 1
use_celery [n]: y
use_mailhog [n]: n
use_sentry [n]: y
use_whitenoise [n]: n
use_heroku [n]: y
Select ci_tool:
1 - None
2 - Travis
3 - Gitlab
4 - Github
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4 [1]: 4
keep_local_envs_in_vcs [y]: y
debug [n]: n

Enter the project and take a look around:

$ cd reddit/
$ ls

Create a git repo and push it there:

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first awesome commit"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master

Now take a look at your repo. Don't forget to carefully look at the generated README. Awesome, right?

For local development, see the following:


For Readers of Two Scoops of Django

You may notice that some elements of this project do not exactly match what we describe in chapter 3. The reason for that is this project, amongst other things, serves as a test bed for trying out new ideas and concepts. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, but the end result is that it won't necessarily match precisely what is described in the book I co-authored.

For PyUp Users

If you are using PyUp to keep your dependencies updated and secure, use the code cookiecutter during checkout to get 15% off every month.

"Your Stuff"

Scattered throughout the Python and HTML of this project are places marked with "your stuff". This is where third-party libraries are to be integrated with your project.

For MySQL users

To get full MySQL support in addition to the default Postgresql, you can use this fork of the cookiecutter-django:


Need a stable release? You can find them at

Not Exactly What You Want?

This is what I want. It might not be what you want. Don't worry, you have options:

Fork This

If you have differences in your preferred setup, I encourage you to fork this to create your own version. Once you have your fork working, let me know and I'll add it to a 'Similar Cookiecutter Templates' list here. It's up to you whether to rename your fork.

If you do rename your fork, I encourage you to submit it to the following places:

Submit a Pull Request

We accept pull requests if they're small, atomic, and make our own project development experience better.


Have a blog or online publication? Write about your cookiecutter-django tips and tricks, then send us a pull request with the link.