JeffAbrahamson / hosts

Personal host config
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Personal host config.

This is the (non-secret) part of my personal host configs, to help me reproduce on new hosts what I've already set up here and there. This is highly unlikely to be useful to anyone other than me.

Just to be particularly safe, however, the repo is private.


Given a usb key at path $usb:

Create ssh keys for home machines, git, p27, and jellybooks. Store them on a USB key in directory "ssh-distrib".

To generate the pass phrases: head -c $((40 + $RANDOM / 2000)) < /dev/urandom | base64

To generate the keys: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100

Store the pass phrases in ssh-distrib.priv and in srd (cf. ssh-setup)

To deploy them, distribute public keys: home: add to local machines (in authorized_hosts) github: add to github keys p27: add to pillar jellybooks: add to pillar

Salt apply from a host that already has keys in order to install new host keys (and, eventually, remove old keys).

Copy $HOME/srd/ to the USB key:

rsync -a $HOME/srd/ ${usb}/srd

Copy unison configs:

mkdir ${usb}/unison rsync -a "$HOME/.unison/" ${usb}/unison

Copy the hosts repo to the USB key:

rsync -a $HOME/src/jma/hosts/ ${usb}/hosts/

On the new host,

cd "$HOME" mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh rsync -a ${usb}/ssh-distrib/* .ssh/ rsync -a ${usb}/srd "$HOME/srd" exec ssh-agent bash


Finally, and this needs an ssh-agent running with loaded credentials:

cd ${usb}/hosts/ .


Once I can connect to siegfried, copy pertinent files. The precise host I want to use as model might change.

HOST=morning rsync -a siegfried:/jma-4t/jeff/machines/${HOST}/.desktop-images . rsync -a siegfried:/jma-4t/jeff/machines/${HOST}/.unison/*prf .unison/ rsync -a siegfried:/jma-4t/jeff/machines/${HOST}/.unison/common .unison/ rsync -a siegfried:/jma-4t/jeff/files/work . rsync -a siegfried:/jma-4t/jeff/files/data . rsync -a siegfried:/jma-4t/jeff/files/Music/ Music/

Maybe also, depending on available disk space,

rsync -a siegfried:/jma-4t/jeff/files/Videos/ Videos/

I'll want to run unison syncs before anything important changes, since the first run will establish state and unison will ask me about anything at all that's changed between the two sides.

sync-data sync-fast sync-full


Create firefox profiles and setup sync. Cf. srd. Cf. bin/ff.

Setup signal-desktop Connect whatsapp web


On each host for which I want to be able to print, I need to do the following:

Misc notes

The program hardinfo provides a GUI with hardware info. There are commandline versions for most or all of what it reports.

On birdsong, I ran sudo sensors-detect to find the module that provides fan info. (Does it make the fan work?)

Running sensors provides CPU temperature and fan speed.

Running sudo fwts fan provides a report in results.log describing what is discoverable about the fans. In my case here (ubuntu 17.10 on birdsong), it doesn't provide much information beyond fan existence.

Social media etc.

Test that virtualbox works by building any vm

Logout and log back in in i3 or sway.