JeffIrwin / syntran

An interpreter written in Fortran, I guess
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
13 stars 1 forks source link
fortran interpreter modern-fortran


⚠️ Syntran is pre-alpha and I don't recommend using it for anything serious. You will discover bugs, missing features, many pain points in general; and later updates will be incompatible.

Syntax translator

An interpreter written in Fortran, I guess

Jerry: Fungicide. I mean what could she have?

Elaine: I don't know.

Kramer: Fungus.

This began as a sandbox for me to play in as I followed along with Immo Landwerth's building a compiler series, but it has since diverged. Syntran has morphed into an interpretted, array-oriented language -- basically MATLAB but with curly braces, type checking, and zero-indexed arrays.

Install binary

To run syntran, you can either install a binary or build it from the Fortran source code. To build it from source, see the next section.

Download the binary from the latest github release for your operating system:


curl -LO ""
chmod +x ./syntran
./syntran -h


curl -LO ""
tar -xvf
.\syntran -h

Or, download and unzip it however you like.

More or less any terminal on Windows should work, but Windows Terminal supports colors and arrow key history better than Windows CMD. A git bash shell is even better. Also see the section on arrow keys.


Feel free to add the directory to your PATH environment variable, or type the full path.

Whenever you see something like ./build/Debug/syntran or fpm run in the rest of this documentation, replace that with /path/to/syntran or C:\path\to\syntran.exe appropriately, depending on your operating system and where you downloaded the binary.

Build the interpreter from source

Using cmake:


If you installed syntran as a binary, you can skip this section.

A Fortran compiler and either CMake or FPM are required. Supported compilers are gfortran 10, 11, or 12, or Intel 2023.1 through 2024. Also check matrix.gfortran in the github actions workflow to see which compilers are regularly tested in CI/CD. For performance, gfortran is recommended over Intel.

Two independent build systems are provided for syntran. You can either use cmake, which is run by as shown above, or you can use the Fortran Package Manager fpm:

fpm build

Other fpm commands are available, such as fpm test, fpm run, fpm install, etc. Most of the example commands in this documentation will assume that cmake was used, but there is usually an fpm alternative.

As an alternative to installing dependencies yourself, you can run syntran in a docker container using the included Dockerfile. See the instructions for docker.

You shouldn't need to worry about this, but note that some of the source code is auto-generated. Go here for details.


Start the interpreter. Adjust the path if you built with fpm or installed a binary:


Then enter arithmetic expressions like 1 + 2 * 3; in the interpreter. Semicolons are required at the end of statements!

syntran$ 1 + 2 * 3;
syntran$ (1 + 2) * 3;

Expressions are evaluated immediately and the result is printed to the console. In the rest of this documentation, we will hide the syntran$ prompt and show the result as a // comment, so you can copy and paste code blocks straight into the interpreter.

Use two asterisks for exponent powers, like Fortran and Scilab:

5 ** 2;
// 25

There's no need to import math.h and call the pow() function!

Variables, Booleans, and type checking

Variable declarations use the let keyword as in Rust. This is also similar to JavaScript, except there is no var keyword. Variables are mutable.

Integer i32 and i64, float f32 and f64, string str, and Boolean bool types are supported. Attempting operations on the wrong types yields an error, e.g. trying to add a bool or use logical and on an int or float.

let foo = 1;
let bar = 2;
let baz = 4;

baz = 3;

foo + bar * baz;
// 7

let p = true;
let q = false;

p or q;
// true

not q and foo + bar == baz;
// true

foo and p;
// Error: binary operator `and` is not defined for types i32_type and bool_type
//   --> <stdin>:1:5
//    |
//  1 | foo and p;
//    |     ^^^ bad types for this binary operator

Logical keywords true, false, not, and, and or are like Fortran's (e.g. .true.) but without the dots. Note that they are lower case-sensitive, unlike Python (e.g. True).

Floating point types

The default floating point type is f64, i.e. double precision. To make an f32 float literal, append an f suffix, like in the C language. For example:

When float types are mixed in an arithmetic expression, the result is casted up to the higher precision of the operands. For example:

let x = 1.0 + 1.0f;

Here, the variable x is of type f64.

Integer types

There isn't really a default integer type in the same way that f64 is the default float type.

Small integer literals, in an absolute sense of being close to 0, are i32. Larger integer literals outside the i32 range are automatically inferred as i64. For example:

Small literals can be explicitly cast up to i64 using the i64() function.

Be careful with integer overflow. For example, 2000000000 + 2000000000 will overflow silently and without warning. If you expect large values, cast at least one of the operands up to i64.


Only single-line // comments are supported. There are no multi-line /*comments*/.

Arrow keys and command history

In many shells such as bash, the up and down arrow keys can be used to scroll through the command history. For example, hit the up arrow key and then ENTER to repeat the previous command, or hit the up arrow key twice to go two commands back.

Arrow keys do not work by default in syntran running within bash, but there is a simple and powerful workaround with rlwrap. If you run syntran by itself, it processes text in cooked mode:


Cooked mode means that syntran does not read or process any text until after you press the ENTER key. Further, when you use an arrow key, you will see escape sequences like this:


These keypresses may appear like the ANSI escape sequence above or other garbled text.

To overcome this, install and run rlwrap with syntran:

sudo apt install rlwrap
rlwrap ./build/Debug/syntran

With rlwrap, the arrow keys work as expected within the syntran interpreter. Plus, you get rlwrap's other powerful features, like Ctrl+R for history search and saved history across separate invocations of syntran.

Also see, which checks if you have rlwrap installed and then starts syntran appropriately. You can make a bash function or alias in your ~/.bashrc file to help with this:

alias syntran="rlwrap /path/to/bin/syntran"

The basic arrow key history should work in Windows terminal and Windows cmd out of the box, but running rlwrap in a Linux environment within Windows can still be advantageous.

rlwrap workaround

As of rlwrap 0.43, there is a bug where it hides the syntran$ prompt. To workaround it, add this to your ~/.inputrc:

set enable-bracketed-paste off

Syntax highlighting

I do not plan on writing any syntax highlighting plugins.

The easiest way to get highlighting is to have your editor treat syntran as a similar language. Rust is a pretty good match with keywords like let, fn, and type names i32, f64, etc. C++ is also an ok match (it has and and or keywords).

For neovim, add this line to your ~/.config/nvim/ftdetect/syntran.lua file:

vim.cmd.autocmd("BufRead,BufNewFile *.syntran set filetype=rust")

Command-line usage

Saving scripts in a file

As programs get longer and more complicated, it becomes difficult to enter them into the interactive interpreter. To interpret a whole file, provide it as a command line argument:

./build/Debug/syntran samples/primes-1.syntran

Other command-line arguments

Run syntran -h to see a comprehensive listing of syntran command-line arguments:

 syntran 0.0.48

     syntran <file.syntran> [--fmax-errors <n>] [-i | --interactive]
     syntran -c <cmd> | --command <cmd>
     syntran -h | --help
     syntran --version

     -h --help           Show this help
     --version           Show version and build details
     -c --command <cmd>  Run program passed in as string
     -i --interactive    Interpret a file then start an interactive shell
     --fmax-errors <n>   Limit max error messages to <n> [default: 4]

Although the semantic version is always shown, --version shows more details:

 syntran 0.0.48
 git commit = 6ab926d
 build date = Sep  7 2024
 fortran compiler = gfortran [11, 4, 0]

This can be helpful for binary installations. If you built from source, most of the details are pointlessly redundant, and the git commit will not be shown.

If statements and for loops

If, else if, and else statements work like you might expect for languages similar to C. Like Rust, parentheses around the condition are optional:

let condition = false;
let other_condition = true;

let foo = 0;
let bar = 0;
if condition {
    foo = 1;
    bar = 2;
} else if other_condition {
    foo = 3;
    bar = 4;
} else {
    foo = 5;
    bar = 6;

foo + bar;
// 7

When the clause of the if statement is only a single statement, braces {} are optional.

The bounds of for loops, like ranges in Rust and Python, are inclusive of the lower bound and exclusive of the upper bound:

for i in [0: 5]
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4

Example: calculating prime numbers inefficiently

With only these language features, we can make a short program to find prime numbers:

// Get the largest prime number less than n
let n = 100;

// Initialize the largest prime found so far
let prime = 0;

// This check is O(n**2) time, which might be the best we can do without
// arrays

// If we had while loops, we could loop from n downards and stop as soon as
// we find the first prime
for i in [0: n]
    // Check if i is composite, i.e. not prime
    let is_composite = false;

    // Largest possible divisor of i is i/2.  Actually it's sqrt(i) but
    // I don't have a sqrt fn yet
    for j in [2: i/2 + 1]
        // Is i divisible by j?
        let divisible = i % j == 0;
        is_composite = is_composite or divisible;

    if not is_composite
        prime = i;

// Final result
// 97

Variable scoping

Each block statement has its own scope for variables. Inner blocks can shadow outer blocks:

let expect_2a = 0;
let expect_4a = 0;
let expect_2b = 0;
let expect_1a = 0;

let v = 1;
    // The LHS variable shadows and is initialized to the RHS value from the outer block
    let v = v + 1;
    expect_2a = v;

        let v = v * 2;
        expect_4a = v;

    expect_2b = v;

expect_1a = v;

expect_2a == 2 and
expect_4a == 4 and
expect_2b == 2 and
expect_1a == 1;
// true

While loops

With the addition of while loops to the language, we can make some optimizations to the simple prime number sieve from above. We can break the outer loop as soon as the first prime number is found, and we can break the inner loop as soon as we find out a number is not prime:

// Get the largest prime number less than n
let n = 1000000;

// Initialize
let prime = 0;
let i = n;

while prime == 0
    i = i - 1;  // loop from n downwards

    let is_composite = false;

    let j = 1;
    while j < i/2 + 1 and not is_composite
        j = j + 1;

        let divisible = i % j == 0;
        is_composite = is_composite or divisible;

    if not is_composite
        prime = i;

// 999983

With this method we can search for primes near 1 million in less than a second. How long does the for loop version take to find primes up to a million?

Example: calculating π and a sine function inefficiently

With the addition of a 32-bit floating point type to the language, we can start to do some more interesting numerical work.

We can calculate the mathematical constant π exteremely inefficiently using the slowly converging Madhava-Leibniz series, or we can use a slightly less inefficient BBP-type formula. Just don't try to use π as a variable identifier name, because syntran source code is ASCII.

Then we can calculate a sine function using its Taylor series expansion:

// Calculate π
let pi = 0.0;

for k in [0: 10]
    pi = pi + 1 / (16.0 ** k) *
            4.0 / (8*k + 1) -
            2.0 / (8*k + 4) -
            1.0 / (8*k + 5) -
            1.0 / (8*k + 6)

// 3.141593E+00

// x is 30 degrees (in radians)
let x = pi / 6;

// Calculate sin(x) using Taylor series

// Initialize Taylor series terms
let xpow = x;
let factorial = 1;
let sign = 1;

// Sum odd terms only
let sinx = 0.0;
for k in [1: 10]
    sinx = sinx + sign * xpow / factorial;
    xpow = xpow * x ** 2;
    factorial = factorial * (2*k) * (2*k + 1);
    sign = -sign;

// 4.999999E-01

At the end of all those transcendental functions and numbers, we get the suprisingly rational result sin(pi / 6) == 0.5, or 4.999999E-01 with 32 bit floats.

Notes on casting in arithmetic expressions

There are several operations you have to be careful with in the sine example above.

In the pi series, there is a float term 16.0 ** k. The loop iterator k is an integer, so if we used a literal integer 16 instead of the float 16.0, that would quickly overflow even for the relatively small upper loop bound k < 10. Hence, we raise a float base to an int power, which yields a float result that is safe from overflow for these values.

Similarly, the pi term 4.0 / (8*k + 1) has a float numerator and int denominator. Again we must use a float to avoid integer division.

Syntran is not a nanny language, but it allows you to do numeric work without constantly manually casting things as f64 like in Rust.


Recall the syntax for a for-loop:

for i in [0: 5]

The expression [0: 5] is one of several array forms, which can also be assigned to variables:

let v0 = [0: 5];
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Array sizes do not need to be literals or constants. Arrays are allocated dynamically at runtime.

Besides ranges of consecutive integers, which is the only form that can be used in a for-loop for now, there are other array forms.

To initialize an array to a range with a step:

let v1 = [10: -2: 0];
// [10, 8, 6, 4, 2]

To refer to an element of an array, place the index in square brackets:

// 10

// 6

To initialize an array to all zeros, or any other uniform scalar, use Rust syntax. The size goes after the semicolon ; inside the brackets:

let scalar = 0;
let v2 = [scalar; 5];
// [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

To initialize an array with an explicit list of comma-separated values:

let v3 = [-5, 3+1, 1, 10, 7/2];
// [-5, 4, 1, 10, 3]

Rank-2 and higher arrays

Syntran has a more compact syntax for multi-rank arrays than Rust, which requires nested rank-1 arrays of rank-1 arrays. As above, the sizes go after the semicolon ;. To initialize a rank-2 array with size 3 by 4 to all zeros:

let matrix = [0; 3, 4];
// [
// 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0
// ]

Note that arrays are stored in column-major order as in Fortran, so they appear transposed when printing in the default format.

To initialize a rank-3 array with size rows by columns by sheets:

let rows = 5;
let cols = 3;
let shts = 4;
let array = [0; rows, cols, shts];
// [
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// ]

Indices for multi-rank arrays are separated by commas:

// 0

To initialize a multi-rank array with an explicit list of values, separate the values with commas and then provide the size after a semicolon:

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;  2, 3];
// [
// 1, 2,
// 3, 4,
// 5, 6
// ]

// 6

Many languages refer to these arrays as multidimensional arrays. This can be ambiguous, as a vector like let v = [9, 16, 25] is three-dimensional in at least some sense, but only rank-1. We will call these multi-rank arrays.

Array slicing

Indexing an array with a range subscript, as opposed to a scalar subscript, produces yet another array:

let v0 = [0: 5];
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
v0[1: 4];
// [1, 2, 3]

let v1 = [0: 2: 10];
// [0, 2, 4, 6, 8];
v1[1: 4];
// [2, 4, 6]

As with other expressions, the range bounds are inclusive of the lower bound and exclusive of the upper bound.

Subscripting with just a colon : and no bounds returns the whole array along that dimension:

// [0, 2, 4, 6, 8];

For rank-1 arrays, boundless whole-array slicing is not useful and less performant than omitting the subscript [] expression altogether:

// [0, 2, 4, 6, 8];

Step slicing (with a non-unit step), e.g. to extract every other element of a vector, is not yet implemented.

LHS and RHS slicing

Arrays can be sliced whether they are on the left-hand side (LHS) or the right-hand side (RHS) of an assignment operator. The examples above show RHS slicing.

Assigning to an LHS slice changes only the sliced part of the array:

let v2 = [0: 5];
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
v2[1: 4] = 7;
// [0, 7, 7, 7, 4]

The value returned by the entire assignment expression above is the whole v2 array, not just the assigned slice. This distinction is important when such an assignment expression is the return value of a function, or if an assignment is nested on the RHS of another assignment:

let v3 = [0: 5];
let v4 = v3[1: 4] = 7;
// [0, 7, 7, 7, 4]

Note that v4 is neither just the scalar 7 nor the slice [7, 7, 7], rather it is the whole v3 array. Nested subscripted assignments such as this are illegal in python.

This behaviour is in contrast to non-nested assignment:

let v5 = [0: 5];
let v6 = v5[1: 4];
// [1, 2, 3]

Multi-rank array slicing

Rank-2 and higher arrays can also be sliced. In general, this returns an array of a different rank. For example, slicing an array with 1 slice subscript : and the rest scalar subscripts will return a rank-1 array. Slicing an array with 2 slice subscripts and the rest scalars will return a rank-2 array.

let matrix = [
     0,  1,  2,  // values
     3,  4,  5,
     6,  7,  8,
     9, 10, 11 ;
    3, 4         // size

let x_slice = matrix[:,0];
println("x_slice = ", x_slice);
// x_slice = [0, 1, 2]

let y_slice = matrix[1,:];
println("y_slice = ", y_slice);
// y_slice = [1, 4, 7, 10]

let mat_slice = matrix[0: 2, 1: 4];
println("mat_slice = ", mat_slice);
// mat_slice = [
// 3, 4,
// 6, 7,
// 9, 10
// ]


This section is about user-defined functions. See this page for a list of intrinsic syntran functions.

Use the fn keyword to declare a function, as in Rust. Unlike Rust, use a colon : before the return type instead of ->:

fn add(a1: i32, a2: i32): i32
    return a1 + a2;

The function defined above could be used like this:

let a = 3;
let b = 4;
let c = add(a + 1, b + 2);
// 10

⚠ I highly suggest saving functions in a .syntran file, but you can do it in the REPL if you like pushing rocks up hills.

Functions must be defined before they are called. That means that recursive functions are not possible currently, neither with a function directly calling itself, nor with two functions which both call each other.

Here's a function that performs matrix-vector multiplication:

fn mul_mat_vec(mat: [f64; :,:], vec: [f64; :]): [f64; :]
    // Matrix-vector multiplication.  Return mat * vec
    let ans =  [0.0; size(mat,0)];
    for     j in [0: size(mat,1)]
        for i in [0: size(mat,0)]
            ans[i] += mat[i,j] * vec[j];
    return ans;

Note that array rank is specified in function signatures with comma-separated colons. For example, vec is a rank-1 array [f64; :] and mat is a rank-2 array [f64; :,:]. Arrays of any size can be passed to functions, but ranks and types must match. The use of a colon as a wildcard like this is borrowed from Fortran.

Here's a function that performs matrix multiplication on two matrices a and b, without checking that the inner dimensions agree:

fn mul_mat(a: [f64; :,:], b: [f64; :,:]): [f64; :,:]
    let c = [0.0; size(a,0), size(b,1)];
    for         k in [0: size(b,1)]
        for     j in [0: size(a,1)]
            for i in [0: size(a,0)]
                c[i,k] += a[i,j] * b[j,k];
    return c;

Then we can define rotation matrices for 90 degree rotations about the x and y axes:

let rotx =
        1.0,  0.0,  0.0,
        0.0,  0.0,  1.0,
        0.0, -1.0,  0.0 ;
        3, 3

let roty =
        0.0,  0.0, -1.0,
        0.0,  1.0,  0.0,
        1.0,  0.0,  0.0 ;
        3, 3

Rotations can be composed by multiplying matrices, so we can apply a 180 degree x rotation followed by a 180 degree y rotation like this:

mul_mat(mul_mat(mul_mat(rotx, rotx), roty), roty);
// [
// -1.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00,
// 0.000000E+00, -1.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00,
// 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
// ]

As expected, this is the same as a 180 degree z rotation, i.e. the x and y components are negated while the z component is unchanged.

Strings, printing, and file output

The ASCII string type str uses "quotes" to assign literals:

let string0 = "hello world";
// hello world

To include an escaped quote literal, double it:

let string1 = "syntran is a ""programming language""";
// syntran is a "programming language"

Strings are concatenated with the + operator:

let string2 = "hello " + ("planet " + "earth");
// hello planet earth

There is no separate character type, only strings of length 1. Characters of a string are indexed in the same way as arrays:

let string3 = "hello";
// h
// e
// l

Slice indexing for substrings of length > 1 is TBD. To slice a substring, use a range:

let string4 = "01234567";
// 234
// 345

The intrinsic function str() converts other types to str and concatenates them:

let string5 = "testing " + str(1, " ", 2, " ", 1.0, " ", false);
// testing 1 2     1.000000E+00 false

Integers and bools are stringified without padding, so separate them with " " if that's what you want.

Use println() to print to stdout:

println("hello world");
// hello world

Use open(), writeln(), and close() to write to a file:

//// syntran prompt
let file = open("test.txt");
writeln(file, "hello world");
writeln(file, "here's a second line of text with a number ", 42);
//// Ctrl+C to exit syntran prompt

//// shell prompt
cat test.txt
// hello world
// here's a second line of text with a number 42

Only ASCII strings are supported because syntran is interpretted in Fortran. Unicode strings cannot be indexed properly:

let string6 = "🔥🥵💀";

// 🔥🥵💀 // YMMV

// mojibake
// mojibake
// mojibake

Include files

Like the C language, the contents of one source file can be included in a higher-level source using the #include preprocessing directive.

Let's say you have a file named header.syntran which defines a global variable and a string helper function:

// header.syntran

let my_global = 42;

fn my_scan(str_: str, set: str): i32
    // Return the first substring index i of `str_` which matches any character
    // from the string `set`.
    // c.f. Fortran intrinsic scan()

    let found = false;
    let i = 0;
    while not found and i < len(str_)
        let j = 0;
        while not found and j < len(set)
            found = str_[i] == set[j];
            j += 1;
        i += 1;

    if (found)
        i -= 1;
        i = -1;
    return i;

This can be included in a main program, assuming main.syntran and header.syntran are in the same folder:

// main.syntran


fn main()
    // 42

    println(my_scan("012345", "2"));
    // 2

    println(my_scan("012345", "3"));
    // 3



As in C, the effect of #include is as if the contents of the header are pasted into the including file. The difference is that any error messages will still reference the correct line number and filename where they occur.

If included files are in a separate folder, the included filename is a path relative to the parent including file.

Note that the syntax of the #include directive looks like a function call, i.e. it has parentheses around the filename argument and a semicolon at the end. This gives syntran a consistent feel throughout its features, unlike C. However, be careful noting that #include is not a real function! It is a preprocessing directive, indicated by the hash #, so the full evaluation facilities of syntran are not available at the time that the directive is processed.

For example, it is not possible to concatenate strings together into the include filename:

#include("header." + "syntran");
// Error: #include file `"header."` not found
//   --> main.syntran:3:10
//    |
//  3 | #include("header." + "syntran");
//    |          ^^^^^^^^^ file not found
// Error: unexpected token `+` of kind `plus_token`, expected `rparen_token`
//   --> main.syntran:3:20
//    |
//  3 | #include("header." + "syntran");
//    |                    ^ unexpected token
// ...

The argument must be a single static lex-time constant string.


Disclaimer: structs currently do not work in the interactive interpretter shell. To use structs, you must save your syntran script in a file.

Structs, also known as user-defined types or derived types, can be used in syntran. The declaration or definition of a struct in syntran uses similar syntax as rust:

struct Point
    x: [i32; :],
    name: str,

Here, a Point contains an array of integer coordinates x and a name. In other languages, you may see introductory struct examples represent a point with separate scalar x and y members. However, this is an insane way to represent vector data. As syntran is an array-oriented language, we use an array in this example. This will generalize nicely from 2D to 3D or any dimension.

Note that each member of the struct is delimited by a comma , in the struct declaration. The trailing comma after the last member name: str, is optional.

Also note that there is no semicolon at the end of the struct declaration }. This makes struct declaration consistent with the way that functions are declared.

Next, we can instantiate or initialize a couple variables pt0 and pt1 of the Point type:

let pt0 = Point{x = [20, 10], name = "my-pt0"};
let pt1 = Point{x = [40, 50], name = "my-pt1"};

Unlike rust, members are assigned using an assignment operator =, not a colon :. Instantiating a struct, just like instantiating any other primitive type variable such as let x = 42;, is a statement. Hence, the instantiation statement ends with a semicolon ;.

When a struct is initialized, all of its members must be initialized. If you want to have a struct with some default values that you don't want to explicitly define every time, you can use a helper function to construct it.

Structs can be nested. We can build upon the 1st order Point struct by declaring a Rect struct, some of whose members are also structs:

// declare
struct Rect
    bottom_left: Point,
    upper_right: Point,
    name: str

// instantiate
let rect0 = Rect{bottom_left = pt0, upper_right = pt1, name = "my-rect"};

Functions can take struct arguments and return struct values. For example, here is a function that computes the area of a rectangle:

fn area(rect: Rect): i32
    let width =
        rect.upper_right.x[0] -
    let height =
        rect.upper_right.x[1] -

    // Taking the absolute value is left as an exercise for the reader
    return width * height;

println("area = ", area(rect0));
// area = 800

Here is a function that constructs and returns a Rect:

fn get_unit_rect(): Rect
    return Rect
        bottom_left = Point{x = [0, 0], name = "bl"},
        upper_right = Point{x = [1, 1], name = "ur"},
        name = "unit-rect",
println("unit area = ", area(get_unit_rect()));
// unit area = 1

Structs can be nested arbitrarily. You can make structs of arrays and arrays of structs. One noteable missing feature currently is that structs of arrays (and arrays of structs) cannot be sliced, only scalar subscripts are supported.

Here is a contrived example of a high-order struct, including arrays at various levels:

struct A{_:  i32 }
struct B{a: [A;:]}
struct C{b:  B   }
struct D{c: [C;:]}
struct E{d:  D   }

let a =  A{_ = 1337};
let b =  B{a = [a] };
let c =  C{b =  b  };
let d =  D{c = [c] };
let e = [E{d =  d  }];

e[0].d.c[0].b.a[0]._ -= 1295;
// 42


Many syntran samples are provided in this repository and elsewhere:

  1. Inline tests: these are short one-to-few line syntran snippets, embedded in Fortran as a string and eval'd. They are covered by the tests
  2. Script tests: these are longer syntran scripts, organized into categories by directory. They are covered by the tests
  3. Samples: these are longer syntran scripts which can also take a while to run, e.g. the wave equation solvers. They are not covered by the tests because of the time they take to run
  4. Advent of Code: these are syntran scripts which solve problems from the Advent of Code. They are not covered by tests and in a separate repository