JeffersonDing / SynologyMerge

A bashscript that moves packages from one Synology NAS volume to another.
Apache License 2.0
37 stars 8 forks source link


A bashscripts that moves packages from one Synology NAS volume to another. Inspired by @Saintdle's guide


This script is in Beta and hanven't been tested on divices. Use at your own risk. Feel free to improve the script and submit a push request.



  1. Log in to Synology NAS using SSH as admin.
  2. Run sudo -i to change user to root
  3. Clone this repository or wget the raw file to a safe location, usually root user home
  4. Mark the .sh file or the .x binary as executable by chmod +x or chmod +x
  5. Determine the target and destination volume by navigating to /
  6. cd into the Target volume @appstore, aka. the volume you want to delete by running cd /volume<target volume #>/\@appstore
  7. Check the packages and run the script by ~/ -f <Target Volume> -t <Destination Volume>, -a optional for automatic migrate without prompt

Using the Script

Option Description
-f Target(from) volume, should be in the form of volumeX e.g. volume1
-t Destination(to) volume, should be in the form of volumeX e.g. volume2
-h Show Help
-a If specified, will migrate all packages in current directory without prompts (Warning: Be careful! Always check packages)