JeffreyXiang / GRAM-HD

PyTorch implementation of the ICCV paper "GRAM-HD: 3D-Consistent Image Generation at High Resolution with Generative Radiance Manifolds"
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GRAM-HD: 3D-Consistent Image Generation at High Resolution with Generative Radiance Manifolds

Jianfeng Xiang1,2Jiaolong Yang2Yu Deng1,2Xin Tong2
1Tsinghua University2Microsoft Research Asia

ICCV 2023

**Abstract:** *Recent works have shown that 3D-aware GANs trained on unstructured single image collections can generate multiview images of novel instances. The key underpinnings to achieve this are a 3D radiance field generator and a volume rendering process. However, existing methods either cannot generate high-resolution images (e.g., up to 256X256) due to the high computation cost of neural volume rendering, or rely on 2D CNNs for image-space upsampling which jeopardizes the 3D consistency across different views. This paper proposes a novel 3D-aware GAN that can generate high resolution images (up to 1024X1024) while keeping strict 3D consistency as in volume rendering. Our motivation is to achieve super-resolution directly in the 3D space to preserve 3D consistency. We avoid the otherwise prohibitively-expensive computation cost by applying 2D convolutions on a set of 2D radiance manifolds defined in the recent generative radiance manifold (GRAM) approach, and apply dedicated loss functions for effective GAN training at high resolution. Experiments on FFHQ and AFHQv2 datasets show that our method can produce high-quality 3D-consistent results that significantly outperform existing methods.*

Project Page | Paper | ArXiv

## Requirements - Currently only Linux is supported. - 64-bit Python 3.8 installation or newer. We recommend Anaconda3. - One or more high-end NVIDIA GPUs with NVIDIA drivers installed. Our code is tested with NVIDIA V100 and A100 GPUs. ## Installation Clone the repository and setup the environment with all dependencies as follows: ``` git clone cd GRAM-HD conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate gram-hd ``` ## Pretrained Models Pretrained models are stored within this repository. You can find them in the `ckpts` folder. The detailed description of the pretrained models is as follows: | File | Description | Config | | :-: | :-: | :-: | | [ffhq256]( | 256x256 model trained on FFHQ dataset | GRAMHD256_FFHQ | [ffhq512]( | 512x512 model trained on FFHQ dataset | GRAMHD512_FFHQ | [ffhq1024]( | 1024x1024 model trained on FFHQ dataset | GRAMHD1024_FFHQ | [afhqcats256]( | 256x256 model trained on AFHQ-Cats dataset | GRAMHD256_AFHQ | [afhqcats512]( | 512x512 model trained on AFHQ-Cats dataset | GRAMHD512_AFHQ ## Inference To generate multiview images or videos with our pretrained models, run the following command: ``` python Options: --ckpt Checkpoint file --output_dir Output directory --config Config file --seeds Random seeds --type Type of camera trajectory, one of ['video', 'multiview1x3', 'multiview3x7', 'rand'] --truncation GAN truncation factor ``` ## Evaluation First step is to sample images from the pretrained models with the following command: ``` python [--ckpt ] [--output_dir ] [--config ] --seeds 0-9999 --type rand --truncation 1.0 ``` This will generate 10000 images with random seeds from 0 to 9999 under randomly sampled camera positions. You can adjust the number of samples by changing the `--seeds` option to your own needs. Then, to evaluate the generated samples, run the following command: ``` python Options: --real_images_dir Real images directory --fake_images_dir Fake images directory --tmp_dir Temporary directory --image_size Image size --num_samples Number of samples --real_images_cache_name Real images cache name --fake_images_cache_name Fake images cache name --use_real_images_cache Use real images cache --use_fake_images_cache Use fake images cache ``` ## Training from Scratch ### Data Preparation Please refer to [GRAM repository]( for data preparation. The final precessed and aligned dataset should be stored in the following structure: ``` ├── *. ├── ... └── poses ├── *. └── ... ``` ### Training To train the model, run the following command with the corresponding config file and the path to the prepared dataset: ``` python Options: --config Config file --output_dir Output directory --load_dir Load directory --set_step Which step to start training, default to latest --data_dir Data directory --total_step Total training steps --sample_interval Sample interval --save_interval Model save interval --port Port for distributed training Example: # 64x64 GRAM model trained on FFHQ dataset python --config GRAM64_FFHQ --data_dir --output_dir --total_step 100000 # 256x256 GRAMHD model trained on FFHQ dataset python --config GRAMHD256_FFHQ --data_dir --output_dir --total_step 100000 ``` The code will automatically detect all available GPUs and use DDP training. You can use the provided configs or add your own config. Note that to train the GRAMHD model, you need to first train a GRAM model under low resolution (e.g., 64x64). Before training the GRAMHD model, don't forget to set the `gram_model_file` entry in the config file to the path of the pretrained GRAM model. ## Citation If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing: ``` @InProceedings{xiang2023gramhd, title = {GRAM-HD: 3D-Consistent Image Generation at High Resolution with Generative Radiance Manifolds}, author = {Xiang, Jianfeng and Yang, Jiaolong and Deng, Yu and Tong, Xin}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {2195-2205} } ```