JeffreyXiang / ivid

PyTorch implementation of the ICCV paper "3D-aware Image Generation using 2D Diffusion Models"
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3D-aware Image Generation
using 2D Diffusion Models

Jianfeng Xiang1,2Jiaolong Yang2Binbin Huang3Xin Tong2
1Tsinghua University2Microsoft Research Asia3ShanghaiTech University

ICCV 2023

**Abstract:** *In this paper, we introduce a novel 3D-aware image generation method that leverages 2D diffusion models. We formulate the 3D-aware image generation task as multiview 2D image set generation, and further to a sequential unconditional–conditional multiview image generation process. This allows us to utilize 2D diffusion models to boost the generative modeling power of the method. Additionally, we incorporate depth information from monocular depth estimators to construct the training data for the conditional diffusion model using only still images. We train our method on a large-scale unstructured 2D image dataset, i.e., ImageNet, which is not addressed by previous methods. It produces high-quality images that significantly outperform prior methods. Furthermore, our approach showcases its capability to generate instances with large view angles, even though the training images are diverse and unaligned, gathered from “in-the-wild” realworld environments.*

Project Page | Paper | ArXiv

## Requirements - Currently only Linux is supported. - 64-bit Python 3.8 installation or newer. We recommend Anaconda3. - One or more high-end NVIDIA GPUs with NVIDIA drivers installed. Our code is tested with NVIDIA V100 and A100 GPUs. ## Installation Clone the repository and setup the environment with all dependencies as follows: ``` git clone cd ivid conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate ivid ``` ## Pretrained Models Download the pretrained models from [HuggingFace]( and put them in the `ckpts` folder. The detailed description of the pretrained models is as follows: | File | Description | Config | | :-: | :-: | :-: | | [imagenet128_uncond]( | 128x128 unconditional diffusion model trained on ImageNet | `rgbd_imagenet_adm_128_large_cfg.json` | | [imagenet128_cond]( | 128x128 conditional diffusion model trained on ImageNet | `rgbd_imagenet_adm_128_large_cond.json` | ## Inference To generate multiview images from the pretrained models, run the following command: ``` python inference/ Options: --config_uncond Config file for unconditional model --config_cond Config file for conditional model --ckpt_uncond Path to the checkpoint of unconditional model --ckpt_cond Path to the checkpoint of conditional model --output_dir Output directory --seeds Seeds for the generated samples --num_samples Number of samples. if specified, seeds will be ignored --classes Classes for the generated samples --viewset Viewset for the iterative sampling process --steps_uncond Number of sampling steps for unconditional model --steps_cond Number of sampling steps for conditional model --guidance Classfiier-free guidance strength --batchsize Batch size for inference ``` Currently, we support the following viewsets: - `uncond`: only sample from the unconditional model - `random`: Get one unconditional sample and one conditional novel view sample with yaw and pitch angles sampled from gaussian distributions with std 0.3 and 0.15, respectively. - `3x9`: Get multiview samples uniformly covering -0.6 to 0.6 yaw angles and -0.15 to 0.15 pitch angles with 3 x 9 grid. You can also modify the `` file to add your own viewset. Once the 3D scenes are generated, our fusion-based free-view rendering method can be used to do fast free-view rendering: ``` python inference/ Options: --scene_dir Scene directory --output_dir Output directory --frames Number of frames --traj Camera trajectory ``` Currently, we support the following trajectories: - `swing`: Swing the camera around the object. Supplementary videos are rendered with this trajectory. - `random`: Randomly sample one camera pose with yaw and pitch angles following gaussian distributions with std 0.3 and 0.15, respectively. The generated samples will be saved in the `output_dir` folder: ``` output_dir └── viewset_<*>_steps_<*>_guidance_<*> ├── conds # condition images for conditional model ├── grids # multiview image grids for visualization ├── results # contains the samples for metrics evaluation ├── videos # videos generated by our fusion-based free-view rendering method └── scenes # final 3D scenes containing the generated multiview rgbd images ``` ## Evaluation If you want to sample by yourself, to generate samples without fusion-based free-view rendering method, run the following command: ``` python inference/ --num_samples 10000 --classes uniform --viewset random --steps_uncond 1000 --steps_cond 50 --guidance 0.5 ``` To generate samples with fusion-based free-view rendering method, run the following command: ``` python inference/ --num_samples 10000 --classes uniform --viewset 3x9 --steps_uncond 1000 --steps_cond 50 --guidance 0.5 python inference/ --traj random ``` Since the inference process is time-consuming, we provide the generated samples for evaluation. Download the generated samples from [HuggingFace]( To evaluate the generated samples, run the following command: ``` python Options: --real_images_dir Real images directory --fake_images_dir Fake images directory --tmp_dir Temporary directory --image_size Image size --num_samples Number of samples --real_images_cache_name Real images cache name --fake_images_cache_name Fake images cache name --use_real_images_cache Use real images cache --use_fake_images_cache Use fake images cache ``` ## Training from Scratch ### Data Preparation Download the ImageNet dataset from [here]( and put it anywhere you want. The directory structure should be like this: ``` ImageNet ├── images │ ├── n01440764 │ │ ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG │ │ └── ... │ └── ... ├── depths │ ├── n01440764 │ │ ├── n01440764_10026.npz │ │ └── ... │ └── ... └── dataset.json ``` For datasets without class labels, The directory structure should be like this: ``` Dataset ├── images │ ├── . │ └── ... ├── depths │ ├── .npz │ └── ... └── dataset.json ``` For depth data, we use [MiDaS]( `dpt_beit_large_512` to predict the depth maps of the images. The predicted depth maps are saved in `.npz` format with fp16 type. The `dataset.json` file is a json file containing the image paths and the corresponding depth paths, which will be automatically generated by training scripts. ### Training To train the model, run the following command with the corresponding config file and the path to the prepared dataset: ``` python Options: --config Config file --output_dir Output directory --load_dir Load directory, default to output_dir --ckpt Checkpoint step, default to latest --data_dir Data directory --num_nodes Number of nodes, default to 1 --node_rank Node rank, default to 0 --num_gpus Number of GPUs per node, default to all --master_addr Master address for distributed training, default to localhost --master_port Port for distributed training, default to 12345 Example: # 128x128 unconditional model on ImageNet python --config configs/rgbd_imagenet_adm_128_large_cfg.json --output_dir --data_dir # 128x128 conditional model on ImageNet python --config configs/rgbd_imagenet_adm_128_large_cond.json --output_dir --data_dir # 128x128 unconditional model on single-category dataset python --config configs/rgbd_singlecategory_adm_128_small.json --output_dir --data_dir # 128x128 conditional model on single-category dataset python --config configs/rgbd_singlecategory_adm_128_small_cond.json --output_dir --data_dir ``` The code will automatically detect all available GPUs and use DDP training. You can use the provided configs add your own config. ## Citation If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing: ``` @inproceedings{xiang2023ivid, title={3D-aware Image Generation using 2D Diffusion Models}, author={Xiang, Jianfeng and Yang, Jiaolong and Huang, Binbin and Tong, Xin}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {2383-2393} } ```