Jeija / spheretest

Technical Demo - Minetest on a spherical world
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Possible to do an interior-only world? #2

Open factormystic opened 7 years ago

factormystic commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking a hollow-earth style world. It's unclear from your videos if this would be possible.

Jeija commented 7 years ago

I think it is mathematically impossible in the same way that a normal sphere world is impossible. It is however possible (and trivial to implement) to use a torus world instead (once again, only in the way the surface behaves). If you are only interested in what it looks like, I have just made a proof-of-concept on the hollowworld branch. However, the game mechanics have not been adapted (you can't fly up to the other side etc.).

Now a hollow-earth style approch has the disadvantage that you cannot just hide the inevitable distortion beyond the horizon, so playing the game just makes you really sea-sick. If you still want to try it out, I recommend you to use a larger planet_radius setting.

Some screenshots:

Tiny planet_radius


Larger planet_radius

screenshot_20161015_120041 screenshot_20161015_115910 screenshot_20161015_115941

factormystic commented 7 years ago

Interesting, thanks for setting that up. That's more or less what I had hoped was possible. Very cool. Since it's actually a flat space warped outward instead of inward (right?) then digging down from a position will no longer take you to the other side (right?). I suppose that means you will eventually see "space" out the "bottom"?

Also, the visual stretching is a function of the world "radius", I assume, so making the world bigger should alleviate the eye strain associated with small radius worlds?

factormystic commented 7 years ago

I bet a distance haze could also help out to avoid seeing so much warping

Jeija commented 7 years ago

For this proof-of-concept, I haven't changed any of the game machanics, so it still behaves like the outward-warped world. But making it so that digging down will end up with getting lost in space and flying up will get you to the other side is possible.

However, since a hollow world doesn't make any sense in reality, I doubt there is a logic way to write game physics. And I don't think the hollow world conspiracy people have produced any consistent gravity description for their model :smirk: , so I don't even know how to make gravity behave. I'd guess it's best to keep it the way it currently is.

factormystic commented 7 years ago

Well it's most interesting as a game mechanic, so it doesn't "have" to make sense irl if it feels okay in game. Digging down to space would be a cool adjustment for this branch whenever you get around to it. It's a neat experiment.

httpsgithu commented 5 years ago

hi i am thinking if that work than no light because its cover whole:) than the sky dont work:(

BEANANAS commented 1 year ago

Lookin' a bit like De Sitter Farms from Hyperbolica.