JellyBitStudios / JellyBitEngine

A 3D game engine.
MIT License
13 stars 2 forks source link

JellyBit Engine

JellyBit Engine is a 3D game engine developed by students from CITM-UPC Terrassa.

About the engine

The code is written in C++

Game Objects

Resource Manager

Assets panel:

IMPORTANT: after dropping any file into the engine or changing something in the Assets folder from outside the engine, push REFRESH button at Assets panel. If the button is not clicked when one of this situations happens, the Assets panel will show the new files but resources will not be updated, so they will not work properly (invalid resource). Sorry for the inconvenience!

Library panel:

Scene Serialization



If something is not working as expected, please, revise console panel to understand what is happening. If, after that, you assume the engine is running an error, revise issues or send a new one (we would be very grateful).





Tools used to develop the engine