Hungie Bois project This website was designed with your hunger in mind! It uses your current location and your preferred choice of restaurant (Dine-In, Drive-Through, Sit Down, Carryout) and provides you with a curated selection that is presented to you 1-by-1! Why think when you can Yass or Pass?
Uses OpenWeather API, and Google Places API to populate tiles.
Features Tracks current location, and updates when the page is refreshed, or the search parameters button is clicked. Presents user with a curated selection of restaurants within 15 miles of their location. Also has a Gimme Whatever! option that will present the user with a truly random selection to choose from. Displays current weather conditions in an easy to read format. Restaurants that have been Passed, will populate to the side so that the user can reconsider past options. When a restaurant is chosen, an address is presented to the user. This can be easily copied and pasted into the users preferred travelling app. (Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, etc).
Screenshots of Webpage
Link to Website
Link to Repository
Credits Thank you to Joseph, Daniel, Flavio, and Josh for learning to work together and complete this project.