JensRantil / yubikey-basic-auth-proxy

Reverse HTTP proxy server that requires Yubikey OTP authentication to allow proxying.
MIT License
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Yubikey Basic Auth HTTP(S) Proxy.

Reverse HTTP(S) Proxy that adds a layer of Basic Auth that does Yubikey authentication. To allow proxying through the application, a user must validate correctly using a username+password+valid Yubikey OTP.

------------            ----------------------------                 ------------
|          | (HTTP/TLS) |                          |    (HTTP/TLS)   |          |
| Internet |   <--->    | yubikey-basic-auth-proxy |      <--->      | Upstream |
|          |            |     (authentication)     | (authenticated) |          |
------------            ----------------------------                 ------------



$ ./yubikey-basic-auth-proxy --help
usage: yubikey-basic-auth-proxy [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

HTTP Proxy that adds a layer of Basic Auth that does Yubikey authentication.

  --help            Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --version         Show application version.
                    The file that stores the credentials.
  --log-level=INFO  Set log level.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  serve [<flags>] <upstream> <yubico-api-id> <yubico-api-key>
    Run the proxy.

  credentials add <username> <yubikey> [<password>]
    Add a credentials.

  credentials list
    List the credentials.

  credentials remove <username> [<yubikey>]
    Delete a credentials.

Execute ./yubikey-basic-auth-proxy COMMAND --help for command specific flags.

Current limitations