Jeoffreybauvin / tesla-http-api-over-ble

Use my custom HTTP API as a proxy for making BLE request to your Tesla
Apache License 2.0
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Use my custom HTTP API as a proxy for making BLE requests to your Tesla

For now, it supports only ONE Tesla's VIN by API.

What this repository does

My goal here is to get back access to the Tesla API. And I don't want to play with the new Fleet API.

So, I started using the vehicle-command provided by Tesla and more precisely the BLE command tesla-control.

Once the BLE access to my Tesla was ok, I developed a homemade API to launch a docker container with the tesla-control command.

I'm providing two Docker images :

The available commands of the BLE tesla-control is here :

BLE access to your Tesla

[!IMPORTANT] BLE means Bluetooth Low Energy : you'll need a Bluetooth dongle and the Tesla near it in order to use this project.

This guide is tested with a Tesla Model 3 2022, mine ;).

Build and launch the API image

docker build -t tesla-http-api-over-ble:latest .

If you want to run it, let's check the docker-compose.yml file in the repo.

There are 3 useful environment variables :

[!IMPORTANT] By default, the API runs ot the port 8000. The Swagger documentation is exposed on this path : /docs

Tesla Vehicle-Command SDK

I'm providing a custom Docker image for the Tesla vehicle-command. Let's build it. Clone this repo, and launch :

cd vehicle-command ; docker build -t tesla-vehicle-command:latest .

And then, test it :

docker run -ti tesla-vehicle-command:latest /usr/local/bin/app/tesla-control -h

If you're able to see the help of the tesla-control's command, let's continue.

Pairing with your Tesla

First, let's generate a private key :

openssl ecparam -genkey -name my_custom_name -noout > private.pem

Then, generate the public key :

openssl ec -in private.pem -pubout > public.pem

Next, let's launch the previously builded image. Don't forget to use a volume where the generated keys are stored :

docker run --net=host --privileged --rm -ti -v /home/bob/tesla:/tesla tesla-vehicle-command:latest bash

Once connected to the container, let's try to pair with our Tesla :

./tesla-control -vin {VIN} -ble add-key-request {path_to_the_public_key_along_with_the_public_key_file_name} {ROLE} {FORM_FACTOR}

Once issued, this command should return with the following response :

Sent add-key request to VIN. Confirm by tapping NFC card on center console.

In your vehicle, use your NFC card on the center console, and a message will appear on the car display screen.

Once validated, you should receive a notification on your phone. It should be ok.

You can now test with a new command :

./tesla-control -ble -vin {VIN} -key-name {path_to_the_public_key_along_with_the_public_key_file_name} -key-file {path_to_the_public_key_along_with_the_public_key_file_name} unlock

unlock should unlock your car ;).
