JeongsooP / RGB-no-more

An official code release of the paper RGB no more: Minimally Decoded JPEG Vision Transformers
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RGB no more: Minimally Decoded JPEG Vision Transformers

An official code release of the paper RGB no more: Minimally Decoded JPEG Vision Transformers\ This repository contains the pipeline for training JPEG ViT, including DCT augmentations.

If you use this repo, please cite our paper:


    author    = {Park, Jeongsoo and Johnson, Justin},
    title     = {RGB No More: Minimally-Decoded JPEG Vision Transformers},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {22334-22346}

Plain text:

Jeongsoo Park, and Justin Johnson. "RGB no more: Minimally-decoded JPEG Vision Transformers." In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 22334-22346. 2023.

This readme heavily borrows the format by SwinV2.

Pretrained Models

Pretrained models are available as:

Model Val Acc (%) Link
JPEG-Ti 75.1 link
ViT-Ti 74.1 link
JPEG-S 76.5 link
ViT-S 76.5 link
(DCT, window=8)
79.4 link
(RGB, window=8)
79.0 link

It is possible to download using wget using wget [link]. One example:


Note: RGB ViT-S is trained on raw ImageNet to reproduce the recipe by Google. Others are trained on 512x512 resized ImageNet.



Note that modified libjpeg requires Linux to compile properly. Other OS are not supported.

git clone
cd RGB-no-more
conda create -n rgbnomore python=3.10
conda activate rgbnomore

We recommend using llvm-openmp<16.0 until the multiprocessing issue is fixed.

Make sure the versions for gcc_linux-64 and gxx_linux-64 are exactly 12.2.0.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data preparation


Arguments (click to expand) ``` usage: [-h] [--port PORT] [--model_arch MODEL_ARCH] [--no_subblock] [--embed_type EMBED_TYPE] [--domain DOMAIN] [--datapath DATAPATH] [--temp_datapath TEMP_DATAPATH] [--indexpaths INDEXPATHS] [--delete_dataset] [--no_extract] [--no_resize] [--num_gpus NUM_GPUS] [--num_cpus NUM_CPUS] [--train] [--eval] [--benchmark BENCHMARK] [--savepath SAVEPATH] [--loadpath LOADPATH] [--load_ckpt LOAD_CKPT] [--deterministic] [--verbose VERBOSE] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch BATCH] [--lr LR] [--wd WD] [--drop DROP] [--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS] [--ops_list OPS_LIST] [--num_ops NUM_OPS] [--ops_magnitude OPS_MAGNITUDE] [--amp AMP] [--ampdtype AMPDTYPE] [--seed SEED] [--use_msrsync] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --port PORT Port for pytorch distributed dataparallel --model_arch MODEL_ARCH Model architecture (vitti, vits, vitb, vitl, swinv2) --no_subblock If set, disable subblock conversion --embed_type EMBED_TYPE Embedding layer type. (1: grouped, 2: separate, 3: concatenate). Default 1 --domain DOMAIN (DCT/RGB) Choose domain type --datapath DATAPATH Path to folder containing the .tar files --temp_datapath TEMP_DATAPATH Path to extract .tar files --indexpaths INDEXPATHS Path to train/val index files. Separated by comma. --delete_dataset If set, delete dataset after train or eval --no_extract If set, assume .tar is already extracted to temp_datapath --no_resize If set, do not resize images in temp_datapath to 512x512 --num_gpus NUM_GPUS number of GPUs to use. If not set, automatically use all available GPUs --num_cpus NUM_CPUS number of total available cpu threads --train Train new model --eval Evaluate model loaded from ``savepath`` --benchmark BENCHMARK If set, benchmark for the set iterations --savepath SAVEPATH Save path for model. Also saves checkpoint at this path --loadpath LOADPATH Load path for model. Used during evaluation. If empty, copy savepath --load_ckpt LOAD_CKPT If set, load checkpoint from this path --deterministic If set, use deterministic mode --verbose VERBOSE (0/1/2) 0: no output, 1: output per epoch, 2: output per iteration --epochs EPOCHS Override the number of epochs --batch BATCH Override the size of batch (overall batch size) --lr LR Override the learning rate --wd WD Override the weight decay strength --drop DROP Override dropout probability --warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS Override warmup steps --ops_list OPS_LIST Override augmentation list --num_ops NUM_OPS Override number of operations --ops_magnitude OPS_MAGNITUDE Override augmentation magnitude --amp AMP (True:1/False:0) Override automatic mixed precision --ampdtype AMPDTYPE Override amp dtype casting --seed SEED Override random seed --use_msrsync If set, use msrsync instead of .tar ```

Sample bash script for all models are included in ./job_bash. Make sure to modify --datapath, --temp_datapath, --num_gpus, --num_cpus, --savepath, --loadpath, --verbose and any other flags to your setting.

To train a JPEG-Ti on ImageNet from scratch, run:

python --model_arch=vitti --embed_type=1 --domain=dct --datapath=/path_to/tarfiles --temp_datapath=/tmp/temp_path --indexpaths=assets/indexbase_train.csv,assets/indexbase_val.csv --num_cpus=16 --savepath=/path_to_save/jpegti_model.pth --verbose=2 --train --eval

To evaluate a pre-trained JPEG-Ti on ImageNet val, run:

python --model_arch=vitti --embed_type=1 --domain=dct --datapath=/path_to/tarfiles --temp_datapath=/tmp/temp_path --indexpaths=assets/indexbase_train.csv,assets/indexbase_val.csv --num_cpus=16 --loadpath=/model_savedpath/jpegti_model.pth --verbose=2 --eval

You can change the --model_arch option to the corresponding model architecture (vitti, vits, vitb, swinv2).

To measure the throughput for 128 iterations, run:

python --model_arch=vitti --embed_type=1 --domain=dct --datapath=/path_to/tarfiles --temp_datapath=/tmp/temp_path --indexpaths=assets/indexbase_train.csv,assets/indexbase_val.csv --num_cpus=16 --loadpath=/model_savedpath/jpegti_model.pth --verbose=2 --benchmark 128