JeroenDeDauw / QueryrAPI

🖹 REST API for Wikibase data
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Build Status

QueryR API is an application that provides a REST webservice for accessing Wikibase data.

System dependencies


composer install
cp app/config/db-example.json app/config/db.json

The database schema can be initialized via the install command of the Replicator CLI tool.

Running the API

For development

cd web
php -S localhost:8000

For production, see the Silex documentation on webserver configuration.

API documentation

This REST API is self documenting. Hit the root endpoint to get a list of available endpoints.

Running the tests

For tests only

composer test

For style checks only

composer cs

For a full CI run

composer ci


When accessing the API via web/, profiling information will be generated and in app/cache/profiler. You can access the profiler UI via

Internal structure

Release notes

Version 0.3 (dev)

Version 0.2 (2015-12-06)

Version 0.1 (2015-11-30)